Introduction to hydraulics

Hydraulics vs electromechanics: a technology comparison

Hydraulic drives differ from electric drives in that they have a fundamentally different design, so that their behavior is only comparable to a limited degree. This special behavior and the distinctly different fields of application require adapted control and monitoring mechanisms. The following table provides an overview of these differences.

The electromechanical axes controlled by TwinCAT NC/NCI/CNC typically consist of an AX servo drive and an AM synchronous motor with integrated position measuring system. The differences mainly relate to the design, since linear or asynchronous motors can also be traced back to this basic principle. The servo drive generates a rotating or moving magnetic field through the currents it controls, which is followed by the moving part of the motor. The strength, speed and angular/rotational speed difference of this magnetic field to the rotor is controlled in such a way that the desired movement is achieved. With appropriate design, a configuration is created that can be easily modeled. Since the basic structure is constant, this basically also applies to the model.

Hydraulic axes are a much more varied in terms of their design. In addition to the various variants of linear cylinders (plungers, synchronous, differential, area-switchable cylinders etc.), several rotary drives (swivel cylinders, rotary cylinders, various types of hydraulic motors) are available as actuators. The velocity can be defined through continuous valves or primary or secondary controlled pumps. In addition, there are various hydraulic circuits in which further components influencing the amount of oil or pressure are added. Most of these have a non-linear or situation-dependent behavior.

Ultimately, these differences mean that applications which can be achieved by a precisely defined and then precisely executed movement are nowadays largely realized electromechanically. The more complex, less standardized and difficult to handle hydraulic axes are used for tasks in which their particular strengths can be exploited. For example, they are ideally suited for applying large forces and energies over long periods or in applications where space is limited. In many cases, the behavior they are used to controlled is atypical for electromechanical drives, such as limiting or relieving pressure or force control. The plastics industry and metal forming are just two examples.

Electric/hydraulic hybrid axes

Electromechanical servo axes and hydraulic axes both offer specific advantages. The combination of these technologies creates a hybrid system that offers a new mixture of positive and negative properties from both worlds. Even though it is not possible to utilize all advantages in this way while avoiding all disadvantages, overall a clear advantage can be achieved by combining the technologies in a suitable manner. The following section provides an overview of these concepts.

Proportional valve-controlled hydraulic axes are less efficient than servo axes, which is a significant disadvantage. Their efficiency is limited by the principle of throttle control. Electric drive control based on the PWM principle has been used for decades. For technical reasons (no switching valves with high flow rate and low switching time << 1ms) this is not possible for hydraulic axes. In hybrid axes the oil flow is controlled by changing the speed and possibly the direction of rotation of a constant current pump with a servo drive, rather than by using a variable throttle. In theory, there is no pressure drop between the pump and the cylinder. The pump can be regarded as a friction-locked but not form-locked gear unit, while the cylinder assumes the role of a spindle.

A selectable feed constant can be made available by making provision for changing the effective cylinder areas or the quantity of oil pumped per revolution by switching the oil paths depending on the situation. The result is a true gear shift that is not available for an electromechanical axis. In applications that require alternating high velocity and high power, this can lead to considerable savings.

Switching valves can be used to hydraulically fix a force once it has built up and relieve the load on the electric drive. In this way, the torque reduction of an electromechanical axis can be avoided.

All components of the hybrid axis can be assembled as a self-contained module up to performance values that can be quite considerable. In this case, all hydraulic connections are encapsulated internally, and the only external connections are electrical ones. The axis is mountable and also exchangeable like an electromechanical axis. In situations where higher performance is required, a conventional discrete structure has to be used. However, it should be noted that a comparable electromechanical axis is also anything but compact or light.

Further details on the configuration concept and commissioning can be found in the Knowledge Base (in preparation).

Overview of differences

The differences in design described above have a considerable effect on the operating behavior of hydraulic and electric drives. An overview of these effects is presented below.

Typical natural frequencies of electromechanical axes are in the range >80 Hz. Values below 20 Hz are not uncommon for hydraulic axes. In both technologies, axes with >200 Hz can be realized, but for technical and/or calculation reasons they are only used when necessary. The natural frequency has a direct influence on controllability, since it limits the usable kP of the position controller. The controllability of electromechanical axes is a prerequisite for standard NCs.

It may be possible to operate a hydraulic axis with a standard NC. The higher the quality of the component selection and configuration, the easier it is to do this. However, expectations regarding the behavior then offer little room for compromise. Conventional hydraulic axis configurations usually require adapted solutions, which are provided by Beckhoff Automation in the hydraulic library.

Motion Control in a different way

The key function of a Motion Control solution is the set value generator. It calculates or resolves instantaneous set values for position, velocity, acceleration and possibly jerk. The time-controlled mode of operation of the NC is well known in this context. However, there is an often overlooked alternative that is of particular interest for hydraulic axes. Its derivation and the differences are described below.

A set value generator can operate either as a function of or independently of the variables of another axis. The former is the case if the values for a cam plate coupling are derived from the values of another axis via a table or, in the case of a gear coupling, via a calculation formula. This requires a position controller that is active during the motion. Both the hydraulics library and, above all, the NC offer various options here.

If the values are calculated independently of other axes, a distinction must be made between time-based and displacement-based generation. Like practically all current MC systems, TwinCAT NC/NCI/CNC works on a time-controlled basis. The core technology of the hydraulic library is path-controlled, although here, too, time-controlled operation is possible. The differences are shown below.

A time-controlled Motion Control solution uses equations in which the motion profile runs on a time basis. This is shown below for an accelerated movement:

V := A * t

P := ½ * A * t2

If the first equation is squared and then both equations are resolved to t2 and equated, the following equation is obtained:

V := SQRT( 2 * A * P )

If the absolute value of the remaining distance s to a target position is used for P and the sign is restored, a suitable braking ramp results.

V := ± SQRT( 2 * A * ABS( s ) )

It should be noted that the time as the controlling variable has been replaced by the path. Combining this braking ramp with a ramp for the acceleration phase and a constant phase provides the basis for a simple but particularly robust Motion Control solution that is characterized by the following features:

Structure of the library

In contrast to the NC, the library functions work entirely in the PLC runtime. This has several consequences, which are listed below.

In order to make the projects more transparent, the most important function blocks are implemented according to the PLCopen standards. Among other things, this standard specifies that the function blocks are linked to an axis via a reference named AxisRef. Since there is no hidden task level in the library, all data (parameters, runtime values) required for the axis are integrated in this structure. The communication of the function blocks of an axis is based on shared use of this reference. The only exceptions are the signals defined by PLCopen. The Execute input can be controlled by the Done output of another function block, for example, in order to create a desired sequence.

Structure of an application

In a PLC application realized with the hydraulics library, a distinction should be made between three different types of function block:

If the application has only one axis, this difference is less clear, but must still be considered.

System function blocks

The system function blocks include the following:

This function block provides an joint ADS connection for the PlcMcManager for all axes. If this function block is not called cyclically, no connection is established.

This function block manages the message buffer. If exactly one of these function blocks is not called cyclically, the message buffer overflows, and subsequent messages are lost.

As you can see, the system function blocks require access to all affected structures. At the same time, the axis-related function blocks also require access. This can be easily ensured by creating the structures as VAR_GLOBAL. This is shown in the examples and applies especially to:

Function blocks for the structure of an axis

These always include:

If necessary, this minimum structure must be supplemented by function blocks that give the axis additional capabilities. These include, for example, function blocks for controlling pressures or forces, as an alternative position controller or for automatic measurement of characteristic curves. To be effective, the calls of these function blocks must be inserted at the correct position between the above-mentioned function blocks.

The transparency of the application can be improved by combining these function blocks into an axis block with general interfaces.

Axis-related function blocks

These include the usual function blocks for configuring the working cycle of an axis.

Since the behavior of these function blocks corresponds to the PLCopen definitions, they can largely be used like the corresponding function blocks of the TC_MC libraries. However, the function blocks of these libraries only send commands to the NC driver and observe its reactions and feedback. Various function blocks of the hydraulic library contain essential parts of the functionality and must be called continuously and in every cycle. This must be taken into account when creating the application.