MC_BufferMode_BkPlcMc (from V3.0)
The constants in this list are used for controlling blending according to PLC Open.
TYPE MC_BufferMode_BkPlcMc :
Aborting_BkPlcMc := 0,
Name | Description |
Aborting_BkPlcMc | The default case: The new command becomes active immediately and cancels any other command that may already be active. The function block monitoring the aborted command will respond with CommandAborted. |
Buffered_BkPlcMc | For axes with command buffer: This command is started automatically once all previous commands have been fully processed. |
BlendingLow_BkPlcMc | For axes with command buffer: This command is connected to the previous command without intermediate stop. If possible, the transition point is passed with the lower velocity of the commands involved. |
BlendingPrevious_BkPlcMc | For axes with command buffer: This command is connected to the previous command without intermediate stop. If possible, the transition point is passed with the commanded velocity of the previous command. |
BlendingNext_BkPlcMc | For axes with command buffer: This command is connected to the previous command without intermediate stop. If possible, the transition point is passed with the commanded velocity of the new command. |
BlendingHigh_BkPlcMc | For axes with command buffer: This command is connected to the previous command without intermediate stop. If possible, the transition point is passed with the higher velocity of the commands involved. |