
In order to create a Planar mover, an MC Configuration must first be created.
1. Select MOTION > Add New Item….
Configuration 1:
2. In the following dialog box, select MC Configuration and confirm with OK.
Configuration 2:
You have created an MC Project.
3. Select MC Project > Axes > Add New Item….
Configuration 3:
4. In the following dialog box, create one (or more) Planar movers and confirm with OK.
Configuration 4:
The Planar mover is now created and can be parameterized.

Open detailed description

Purposes of the individual tabs

Object: General information (name, type, ID and so on) is shown here.

Configuration 5:

Parameter (Init): Specifies initial parameters that the user can change in order to affect the behavior of the mover.

Configuration 6:

Parameter (Init) should be put into simulation mode (TRUE) before parameterizing if no hardware driver is linked. The parameter is hidden and only becomes visible if the "Show Hidden Parameters" checkbox is activated.

Configuration 7:

The initial parameters are initially set so that the Planar mover (ready linked) can be moved with the hardware. If the user wants to move without hardware, the "Simulation Mode" parameter must be set to TRUE. In simulation mode, the "Initial Position" and "PartOID" parameters (from version V3.2.60) should be set. If the real mover does not have standard dimensions, the "Mover width" and "Mover height" parameters must be adjusted.

From version V3.1.10.30: The hidden "Minimum/Maximum Position" parameters are used to define when the mover switches to the CRotation command mode for the C-axis. For all target positions of C-movements, the "C coordinate modulus" and "C coordinate modulo tolerance window" parameters (the latter for modulo positioning) define the conversion to the absolute target position. For details see Modulo positioning.

From version V3.1.10.51: AdoptTrackOrientation is also a C-movement and is accordingly influenced by "C coordinate modulus" and "C coordinate modulo tolerance window". For details, see AdoptTrackOrientation.

From version V3.2.60: The "PartOID" parameter specifies the part that the "Initial Position" is located on for the simulation mode. The "PartOID", "Simulation Mode", and "Initial Position" parameters are all hidden and in their own "Simulation" grouping.

From version V3.3.19: The default values for the following parameters have been increased: "Minimum/Maximum Position" of the C-axis (from 10° to 11°) and for the "Maximum Dynamic C" parameter (from [10,100,100,1000] to [7000,7000,7000,35000]). The "Timeout for state machine" parameter specifies the maximum time the mover remains in Enabling, Disabling or Resetting, see "Timeouts of the transition states" in Planar objects state diagram. The parameters "Minimal/Maximal Position", " Default /Maximal Dynamic(s)", "C coordinate modulus, "C coordinate modulo tolerance window" and all "Monitoring" parameters (position monitoring/timeout) can be changed in the Enabled state of the mover (previously this was only possible with Disabled).

Other parameters are the "Maximum Dynamic(s)" and the "Default Dynamic(s)". In addition, there are "monitoring" parameters that activate or parameterize position monitoring of the real mover.

Parameter (Online): Shows the state of the mover during the runtime of the object. The current preset position ("SetPos") and real position ("ActPos") are displayed along with the state information.

Configuration 8:

From version V3.1.10.30: The parameter "External setpoint generation" indicates whether the mover follows (absolute or relative) external setpoints of the user.

From version V3.2.60: The "CoordinateSystemOID" parameter specifies the coordinate system that SetPos and ActPos are specified in and the coordinate system that the mover is located in.

Data Area: Shows memory areas via which the mover is linked to other objects and exchanges information.

Configuration 9:

Settings: The user can establish links here. With the two "Link To ..." buttons, the Planar mover can be linked to the movers in the PLC and the XPlanar driver.

Configuration 10: