Define a call pattern in NC program code

Time of definition

No call pattern are predefined when the controller starts up. A definition in the configuration lists is not possible.

Call patterns are defined directly in the NC program in a sequence of position and rotation definitions embedded in plain text commands. The call patterns used must then be defined before a machining cycle is called. The call pattern definition is valid until it is overwritten, deleted or until program end.

Start of a call pattern definition


ID <expr> Identification number of the call pattern.

A call pattern definition is activated by #PATTERN BEGIN [ID<expr>]. The freely selectable identification number is then transferred. If a call pattern already exists with the required identification number, it is overwritten by the new call pattern.

End of a call pattern definition


Each call pattern definition must be closed by the command #PATTERN END. Standard commands can only be used again when the call pattern definition is closed.

Programming description - Description of a call pattern

#AT [100,  0,  0]
#AT [100,100,  0,0,0,90]
#AT [0  ,100,100]

Each call pattern definition starts with the command #PATTERN BEGIN and must be closed by the command #PATTERN END. Between these commands, you can describe the required positions and rotations.

Positions and rotations are defined by the command #AT. The first 3 input values describe the positions at which the cycle is to be executed. The last 3 input values describe the rotations that are to be activated when the cycle is executed. The angle definition must be selected according to the rotation of a machining coordinate system]. Currently, only one rotation is permitted about the Z axis.

If no rotations are defined, it is sufficient to only define the first 3 values for the #AT command.

Delete call pattern

The command to delete a call pattern contains the following syntax elements:


ID <expr> Identification number of the call pattern

It is also possible to delete currently defined call patterns and clear the memory location for new definitions.


Information on deleted call patterns is irrevocably lost. The assigned memory location is then cleared for new call pattern definitions. Only existing call pattern definitions can be deleted.

Programming example - Delete call pattern

# PATTERN DELETE [ID3] ( Delete specific call pattern with ID3)
# PATTERN DELETE ALL   ( Delete all call patterns)