Measuring with an inclined touch probe head in the starting position

This example describes the measurement of the C axis of a 5-axis machine with inclined tough probe head.,

Measuring with an inclined touch probe head in the starting position 1:
Measuring with inclined touch probe head

If the touch probe head were vertical at the start (axis A=0), the touch probe head would not change its position in the current coordinate system when the C axis rotates. The X, Y and Z coordinates of the measured centre points of the calibration sphere would then lie above each other, and this would made the calculation impossible.

To permit a successful execution of the cycle, the A axis here can be swivelled in, in this example by 50°. However, this results in the situation that the touch probe head is already inclined at cycle start. In order to adapt the measurement movements, the corresponding parameters must be made in the parameters P94 to P96. The important thing is that the touch probe head points to the centre point of the calibration sphere at cycle start.

The following parameter settings are conceivable for the successful execution of the cycle.

This results in the following cycle call:

G1 A50 C0
G1 X90 Y-340 Z-60
L CYCLE [NAME=SysMeasRotAx.ecy  \
        @P6  = 30               \
        @P13 = 50               \
        @P33 = 10               \
        @P87 = 50               \
        @P89 = 3                \
        @P90 = 1                \
        @P91 = 0                \
        @P92 = 0                \
        @P93 = 1                \
        @P94 = 1                \
        @P95 = 0                \
        @P96 = 0                \
        @P97 = 50               \