V.E. variables as transfer parameters

It is possible to create V.E. variables to process the measured values.



V.E. ToolMeasResult.LengthValid

A length measurement was executed.

This value is set to False at the end of the cycle.

V.E. ToolMeasResult.Length

Length value measured.

V.E. ToolMeasResult.RadiusValid

A radius measurement was executed.

This value is set to False at the end of the cycle.

V.E. ToolMeasResult.Radius

Radius value measured.

V.E variables must be saved in the machine configuration.

var[n].name ToolMeasResult
var[n].type structToolMeasResult
var[n].scope CHANNEL
var[n].synchronisation FALSE
var[n].access_rights READ_WRITE
var[n].array_size 0
var[n].create_hmi_interface 0
struct[n].name structToolMeasResult
struct[n].element[0].name Length
struct[n].element[0].type REAL64
struct[n].element[1].name LengthValid
struct[n].element[1].type BOOLEAN
struct[n].element[2].name Radius
struct[n].element[2].type REAL64
struct[n].element[3].name RadiusValid
struct[n].element[3].type BOOLEAN