Method 2: Characteristic curve for asynchronous drives

Asynchronous motors are often used for spindle drives. You can achieve optimised adaptation to typical characteristic of such spindle drives using the speed-dependent spindle acceleration curve a=f(n) shown in the figure below.

Method 2: Characteristic curve for asynchronous drives 1:
Acceleration profile with asynchronous drive curve

Besides the maximum permitted acceleration a_max, speed N1 for the constant acceleration range, you need only parameterise an additional speed N2 and the upper minimum acceleration amin. Acceleration is constant up to the speed N1. Above N1, acceleration is proportional to 1/n, and above N2 it is proportional to 1/n2.

N1=10000 °/s

N2=20000 °/s,

amax=16000 °/s2

Above the nominal speed (nlimit) the characteristic profile is as follows:

Method 2: Characteristic curve for asynchronous drives 2:
Curve profile above nominal speed



Curve type 3: Asynchronous drive


Minimum acceleration amin


Maximum acceleration amax for n<N1


Speed limit N1 for maximum torque


Speed limit N2 for maximum output

Programming Example

Parameterisation example

getriebe[0].beschl_kennlinie.typ     3 Asynchronous drive
getriebe[0].beschl_kennlinie.a_max   16000    [°/s²]
getriebe[0].beschl_kennlinie.a_min   4000     [°/s*s]
getriebe[0].beschl_kennlinie.n1      10000000 [10-3 °/s]
getriebe[0].beschl_kennlinie.n2      20000000 [10-3 °/s]