Homing without reversal
Referencing in 1 phase
Referencing in one phase is executed without change in direction
Examples for translatory axes
Notice | |
Referencing in one phase is optional but should not be used in reality. Please note here that the axis many not be located on the reference cam at the start of homing. This check is executed by the PLC. |
Parameterisation | P-AXIS-00156 | 0, reference cam present |
| P-AXIS-00084 | 0, with zero pulse |
| P-AXIS-00157 (ref_ohne_rev) | 1, no reversal |
Referencing with zero pulse
![Homing without reversal 1:](Images/png/343705483__en__Web.png)
Referencing without zero pulse
Parameterisation | P-AXIS-00156 | 0, reference cam present |
| P-AXIS-00084 | 1, no zero pulse |
| P-AXIS-00157 (ref_ohne_rev) | 1, no reversal |
![Homing without reversal 2:](Images/png/343707147__en__Web.png)