Activating a path-related switching action
The function block KRC_SetPathTrigger triggers a path-related switching action in the case of CP motions.
The Trigger triggers a defined statement. The statement refers to the end point of the motion block. The statement is executed parallel to the robot motion.
The statement can be shifted in time and/or space. It is then not triggered exactly at the end point, but beforehand or afterwards.
Path triggers can only be activated before CP motions. If the subsequent motion is not a CP motion, the robot controller issues an error message. |
Further information on triggers, on offsetting the switching point and on the offset limits can be found in the operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software (KSS). |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
AxisGroupIdx |
Index of axis group
ExecuteCmd |
The statement is buffered in the case of a rising edge of the signal. |
Path |
Statement offset If the statement is to be shifted in space, the desired distance from the end point must be specified here. If this end point is approximated, Path is the distance to the position on the approximate positioning arc closest to the end point.
Delay |
Statement delay
The statement cannot be shifted freely in time. The offsets that are possible depend on the value selected for Path. Further information about this is contained in the operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software (KSS). |
Output |
Number of the digital output that can be set by the switching action
Note: It must be ensured that no outputs are used that are already assigned by the system. Example: $OUT[1025] is always TRUE. |
Value |
TRUE = activate output FALSE = deactivate output |
Pulse |
Length of the pulse
BufferMode |
Mode in which the statement is executed
(>>> BufferMode) |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Busy |
TRUE = statement is currently being transferred or has already been transferred |
Done |
TRUE = statement has been processed Note: The statement can no longer be aborted. Exception: Program is deselected or reset. The signal does not indicate whether the switching action has really been triggered. |
Aborted |
TRUE = statement has been aborted |
Error |
TRUE = error in function block |
ErrorID |
Error number |