Declaring interrupts
The function block KRC_DeclareInterrupt declares an interrupt to a digital input. There are 8 predefined interrupts available for this.
An interrupt can be used to stop the robot during the motion. Depending on how the Reaction parameter is configured, the robot brakes gently from high velocities (BRAKE) or as quickly as possible (BRAKE F). The remaining program sequence can be determined using a robot input or a PLC function block.
If a BRAKE statement is active, no more statements are processed via the mxA interface. The function block KRC_Abort is also no longer processed. KRC_Abort cannot cancel the program until it has been resumed with KRC_Continue, i.e. the BRAKE statement is no longer active. While the BRAKE statement is active, the program can only be canceled by means of a RESET of the function block KRC_AutomaticExternal. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
AxisGroupIdx |
Index of axis group
ExecuteCmd |
The statement is buffered in the case of a rising edge of the signal. |
Interrupt |
Number of the interrupt
Note: Number 1 is the interrupt with the highest priority. |
Input |
Number of the digital input to which the interrupt is declared
Note: It must be ensured that no inputs are used that are already assigned by the system. Example: $IN[1025] is always TRUE. |
InputValue |
TRUE = statement is executed in the case of a rising edge of the signal. FALSE = statement is executed in the case of a falling edge of the signal. |
Reaction |
Reaction to the interrupt
BufferMode |
Mode in which the statement is executed
(>>> BufferMode) |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Busy |
TRUE = statement is currently being transferred or has already been transferred |
Done |
TRUE = statement has been processed Note: The statement can no longer be aborted. Exception: Program is deselected or reset. |
Aborted |
TRUE = statement has been aborted |
Error |
TRUE = error in function block |
ErrorID |
Error number |