Output signals
This signal output indicates that the associated function block has been sent from the PLC to the robot's instruction buffer and transferred correctly.
This signal output indicates that the associated function block has been sent from the PLC to the robot's instruction buffer and transferred correctly. This signal output is identical to the Done signal output of the KRC function blocks. It is recommended to use this signal output for the contouring of movements.
This signal output indicates that execution of the associated function block has begun. However, it is possible that the function block has not yet been transferred to the robot's instruction buffer. This distinguishes this signal output from the Busy signal output of the KRC function blocks.
This signal output indicates that the associated function block is currently being executed on the robot. It is reset when the Execute input is reset.
This signal output indicates that an error has occurred during the execution of the associated function block on the robot. In this case, the ErrorID signal output contains an error number. It is reset when the Execute input is reset.
This signal output contains an error number.
The errors and error causes associated with the error number are described here: (>>> Messages)
This signal output indicates that the execution of an instruction or movement was aborted.