Zero Offset Shift


zeroOffsetShiftSet(g:= USINT, x:= LREAL, y:= LREAL, z:= LREAL)

Sets the translation for G-Code g where g must be one of the numbers 54, 55, 56 or 57. Alternatively, the Zero Offset Shift can be set with the PLC Function Block ItpWriteZeroShiftEx.


The resulting path of the following example is shown in Figure “ExampleZeroOffsetShiftSet”. The zero offset shift of G54 is first set to the translation [0,10,0]. It gets active for N20 and any later segment endpoints until a novel translation is applied. The second invocation of zeroOffsetShiftSet has an immediate effect. It applies to N30 and any later segment endpoints until a novel translation is applied. The same holds for the last invocation. However, the block N40 does not program the Y-coordinate. Therefore, the change does not become apparent for N40. (See section Transformations for details.) Because the block N50 programs the Y-coordinate, it applies the recent [0,30,0]-translation.

!zeroOffsetShiftSet(g:=54, x:=0, y:=10, z:=0);
N10 G01 X20 Y0 F6000
N20 G01 G54 X40 Y0
!zeroOffsetShiftSet(g:=54, x:=0, y:=20, z:=0);
N30 G01 X60 Y0
!zeroOffsetShiftSet(g:=54, x:=0, y:=30, z:=0);
N40 G01 X80
N50 G01 X100 Y0
Zero Offset Shift 1:

Figure “ExampleZeroOffsetShiftSet”.