Suppression of G-Code Blocks


disableMask(): LWORD

Yields the current value of the disable mask. Note that the mask may also be set by the PLC.


disableMaskSet(mask:= LWORD)

Sets the internal disable mask to the given value. The mask is used to suppress execution of G-Code blocks. The disable mask has 0 default value, i.e. no suppression is active by default. The mask consists of 64 bits.

In a binary notation like 2#1101 bits are numbered from right to left, starting with bit 0. For the value 2#1101 the bits 0, 2 and 3 are set by value one. The remaining bits are not set by exhibiting zero value.


The resulting path of the following example is shown in Figure “ExampleDisableMaskSet”. The disable mask is initially set to the binary value 2#1101, which is equal to the decimal value 13. The first G-Code, which is N10 in the given example, is always executed, independently of the current disable mask because there is no ‘/’-operator in the N10-line. N20 is only executed if bit 0 is not set. In the case bit 0 is set N20 is supressed, which is true in the given example. The same holds for N30, since ‘/’ is only a shorthand for ‘/0’. N40 is not supressed, since bit 1 is not set. The G-Codes N50 and N60 after disableMaskSet(0) are executed, since no bit in the disable mask is set. In contrast, the call disableMaskSet(-1) sets all bits of the mask. Consequently, the succeeding G-Codes that are prefixed with a ‘/’, N80 and N90, are disabled.

N10 G01 X10 Y10 F6000
/0 N20 G01 X20 Y0
/ N30 G01 X30 Y0
/1 N40 G01 X40 Y10
/ N50 G01 X50 Y0
/1 N60 G01 X60 Y10
N70 G01 X70 Y0
/1 N80 G01 X80 Y10
/2 N90 G01 X90 Y20
Suppression of G-Code Blocks 1:

Figure “ExampleDisableMaskSet”.