Tool Radius Compensation


trcApproachDepartSet(approachRadius:= LREAL, approachAngle:= LREAL, departRadius:= LREAL, departAngle:= LREAL)

Configures the approach and depart behavior to use an arc of given radius and angle. If the product of radius and angle are zero, no approach or depart segment will be inserted.

The resulting configuration is used by G41/G42.


trcOffsetSet(offset:= LREAL)

Configures the amount of segment extension that is used to close gaps. If offset is zero, no extension will be performed.

The resulting configuration is used by G41/G42.


trcLimitSet(limit:= ULINT)

Configures the lookahead that is used for collision elimination.

The resulting configuration is used by G41/G42.


trcParam(): TrcParamType

Returns the current configuration as a structure value.


trcParamSet(param:= TrcParamType)

Configures the tool radius compensation. This function is an alternative that summarizes trcApproachDepartSet, trcOffsetSet and trcLimitSet. It can be used in combination with trcParam to load, save and restore different TRC (tool radius compensation) configurations efficiently.



This structure contains all configuration parameters of the tool radius compensation. It consists of the following parameters.

approachRadius: LREAL;
approachAngle: LREAL;
departRadius: LREAL;
departAngle: LREAL;
offset: LREAL;
limit: ULINT;

See trcApproachDepartSet, trcOffsetSet, trcLimitSet for a comprehensive description of the listed parameters.


collisionElimination(nx:= LREAL, ny:= LREAL, nz:= LREAL, limit:= ULINT)

Activates collision elimination with respect to the plane of the normal vector nx, ny, nz. Collisions within the projection of the path onto the plane are eliminated. Supplying a zero vector deactivates collision elimination. The limit parameter can be used to restrict elimination to the last n segments. By default, elimination is unlimited.



This function can be called during active collision elimination to ignore any conflicts between the path preceding the call and the path succeeding the call.