Automatic Accurate Stop
Command | #set paramAutoAccurateStop(<angle>)# |
Parameter <angle> | Limit angle (in degrees) after which an accurate stop is inserted |
Deselect | #set paramAutoAccurateStop( 0 )# |
An accurate stop after a defined limit angle is inserted between two segments with the aid of the 'AutoAccurateStop' command.
For circle segments, the angle is calculated from the tangents at the points of entry and leaving.
#set paramAutoAccurateStop(45)# (angle in
N10 G01 X1000 Y0 Z0 F60000 (start position: X0 Y0 Z0)
N20 X0 Y500

An accurate stop is inserted between segments A and B in this example.
Application field:
This command should be used in conjunction with Bezier blending, if acute angles are programmed in the NC program.
See also: