Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics

Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 1:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 2:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 3:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 4:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 5:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 6:
Maximum Dynamics, Default Dynamics 7:


The jerk is the derivative of acceleration or deceleration with respect to time. Thus, it describes how quickly acceleration or deceleration change.

Reference Velocity

For drives that are not directly controlled by a digital velocity value, e.g. a voltage or current interface, the Reference Velocity is used to scale the drive output. The Reference Velocity is at the same time an upper velocity limit that cannot be exceeded in addition to the maximum velocity. For all drive types, the Reference Velocity must be set greater than or equal to the maximum velocity.

(Strictly speaking, the velocity upper limit is the Reference Velocity divided by the Output Ratio, if an Output Ratio smaller than 1.0 is parameterized)

For details, see the Drive Parameters > Reference Velocity.

"Maximum Dynamics" and "Default Dynamics"

The dynamic parameters are absolute, unsigned values. The default values are used if the user has not specified any values, e.g. for a motion command. The maximum values limit the axis dynamics and must be parameterized greater than or equal to the default dynamics.

The maximum values are observed by newer products like the Tc3_McCoordinatedMotion Library. However, for some products, such as the Tc2_MC2 library, the maximum acceleration and the maximum jerk are not taken into account.

Tc2_MC2 library

Default Dynamics

  • If the input value "0.0" is assigned to one of the dynamic parameters "Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk" at a motion function block or this input is left empty, then a default value is used instead.

Maximum Dynamics

  • Velocity values that exceed the maximum velocity will not be accepted and will result in an error.
  • Values for Acceleration, Deceleration and Jerk are not checked for exceeding the maximum parameters, but are accepted.

Coupled axes


  • In the case of a coupled slave axis, its dynamics depend exclusively on the master movement and maximum values are not checked.
  • When decoupling a slave axis, various measures are taken to prevent the maximum velocity from being exceeded or the direction of movement from being reversed.
  • Examples of such measures are increasing the jerk or increasing the acceleration or deceleration to the maximum value.

Tc3_McCoordinatedMotion Library, Tc3_McCollisionAvoidance Library

Default Values


  • If for one of the dynamic-parameters “Acc, Dec, jerk” the input value “0.0” is assigned to a motion function block, this assignment leads to an error that means that this value is not allowed.
  • If for one of the dynamic-parameters “Acc, Dec, jerk” you would like to refer to a default value at a motion function block, this parameter has to be set to the constant value “MC_Default”.


Maximum Dynamics


Vel, Acc, Dec

  • For the dynamic-parameters “Vel, Acc, Dec” the parameterized values are used.
  • For the dynamic-parameters “Vel, Acc, Dec” maximum values can be parameterized at a motion function block using the constant value “MC_Maximum”.


  • There is no maximum value for the jerk.
  • The jerk is set to the value “unlimited”. Simultaneously, a three-phase-profile or a three-phase-acceleration-setter is applied for motion.

Default Values

  • It is allowed to parameterize default values that exceed their corresponding maximum values.
  • If a default value is parameterized that exceeds ist corresponding maximum value, a warning will be given, but no error is thrown.
  • At a Tc3_McCoordinatedMotion-function block or a Tc3_McCollisionAvoidance-function block parameterized default values using the constant value MC_Default will be mutually limited to the corresponding maximum values without giving an error message.