Sample 06: TwinCAT HMI with TwinCAT Speech Integration
Description | This sample shows how TwinCAT Speech can be used in TwinCAT HMI. For this purpose, a TwinCAT HMI server is entered in the TwinCAT Speech configuration. The speech recognition and speech output then take place via the HMI client, i.e. the browser, for which the latter requests and needs the corresponding access rights. The TwinCAT HMI project included offers some speech commands that are displayed in the HMI itself. During commissioning, especially for local engineering, the end point in the HMI and the TwinCAT Speech configuration may need to be changed. The sample is prepared for activation on a TwinCAT HMI server (port 1010). |
Sample project | |
Further information | TwinCAT Speech of the TwinCAT HMI |