Creating a configuration

TwinCAT Speech is parameterized via its own configuration project in TwinCAT Engineering. New TwinCAT Speech configurations are created as follows:

1. Open TwinCAT Engineering and create a new project.
2. Select an empty TwinCAT Controller project, name it, and click OK.
Creating a configuration 1:
The new TwinCAT Controller project opens.
3. Right-click the new TwinCAT Controller project.
4. Select Add>New Item.
Creating a configuration 2:
The Add New Item window opens.
5. Select TwinCAT Speech Configurator, name the configuration, and click Add.
Creating a configuration 3:
The start window for the TwinCAT Speech configuration opens.
6. Select the desired target system.
Assignment to a target system is important for TwinCAT Speech, because the hardware configuration of the sound cards is individual.
A new TwinCAT Speech configuration has now been created.