Structure Definitions
Note | |
This version of the function block is obsolete. You should no longer use this function block. |
TYPE ST_ParaControlValue :
(* general parameters *)
iMode : E_ControlMode;
iReactionOnFailure : E_ReactionOnFailure;
fYTune : LREAL;
fYStable : LREAL;
dwAlarmSupp : DWORD;
tCtrlCycleTime : TIME;
tTaskCycleTime : TIME;
(* setpoint parameters *)
fWMin : LREAL;
fWMax : LREAL;
(* start up *)
fWStartUp : LREAL;
tStartUp : TIME;
bStartUpRamping : BOOL;
fWStartUpVeloPos : LREAL;
fWStartUpVeloNeg : LREAL;
fWVeloPos : LREAL;
fWVeloNeg : LREAL;
(* actual value parameters *)
bFilter : BOOL;
tFilter : TIME;
(* control value parameters *)
fYMin : LREAL;
fYMax : LREAL;
fYManual : LREAL;
fYOnFailure : LREAL;
tPWMCycleTime : TIME;
(* controller settings *)
bEnablePreController : BOOL;
bEnableZones : BOOL;
bEnableCVFilter : BOOL;
iFilterType : E_FilterType;
iControllerType : E_ControllerType;
(* min max temperatures *)
TempLow : LREAL;
TempLowLow : LREAL;
TempHigh : LREAL;
TempHighHigh : LREAL;
TempAbsoluteHigh : LREAL;
TempAbsoluteLow : LREAL;
(* internal tuning parameters *)
fTuneKp : LREAL := 1.2;
fTuneTn : LREAL := 2.0;
fTuneTv : LREAL := 0.42;
fTuneTd : LREAL := 0.25;
Name | Unit | Value range | Description |
iMode | none | INT | Controller operation mode (1 = heating, 2 = cooling, 3 = heating & cooling) (see below) |
iReactionOnFailure | none | INT | Parameterizable reaction to errors (see below) |
fYTune | none | LREAL | Control value during the self-tuning (normally 100%) |
fYStable | none | LREAL | Control value during the settling phase (normally 0%) |
dwAlarmSupp | none | DWORD | Masks out the alarms (see below) |
tCtrlCycleTime | s | TIME | Controller's sampling time. In the course of the sampling time the controller re-calculates the control value. |
tTaskCycleTime | s | TIME | Task cycle time. The FB is called with this time interval. |
fWMin | K | LREAL | Minimum setpoint |
fWMax | K | LREAL | Maximum setpoint |
fWVeloPos | K/s | LREAL | Rate of rise (of ramp) |
fWVeloNeg | K/s | LREAL | Rate of fall (of ramp). |
fWStartUp | K | LREAL | Setpoint at start-up |
tStartUp | s | TIME | Time with the fWStartUp setpoint |
bStartUpRamping | none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Switches on ramping during the start-up phase. |
fWStartUpVeloPos | K/s | LREAL | Rate of rise (of ramp) during the start-up phase |
fWStartUpVeloNeg | K/s | LREAL | Rate of fall (of ramp) during the start-up phase |
fYMin | none | LREAL | Minimum value of the control value |
fYMax | none | LREAL | Maximum value of the control value |
fYManual | none | LREAL | Control value in manual operation |
fYOnFailure | none | LREAL | Control value in case of error (parameterizable) |
tPWMCycleTime | s | TIME | Cycle time of the PWM signal |
tFilter | s | TIME | Time constant of the actual value filter (first order P-T1 filter) |
bFilter | none | [TRUE,FALSE] | The actual value filter is actuated if TRUE. |
bEnablePreController | none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Switches pre-controller on. |
bEnableZones | none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Switches open loop characteristic on until close to setpoint. |
bEnableCVFilter | none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Switches on control value filter following the main controller. |
iFilterType | none | ENUM | Selection of a filter type for the control value filter following the main controller (see below). |
iControllerType | none | ENUM | Selection of a control algorithm (see below). |
TempLow | K | LREAL | Relative lower temperature limit in the first band |
TempLowLow | K | LREAL | Relative lower temperature limit in the second band |
TempHigh | K | LREAL | Relative upper temperature limit in the first band |
TempHighHigh | K | LREAL | Relative upper temperature limit in the second band |
TempAbsoluteHigh | K | LREAL | Absolute upper temperature limit |
TempAbsoluteLow | K | LREAL | Absolute lower temperature limit |
fTuneKp | none | LREAL | FineTuning parameters for the PID controller (only for advanced users) |
fTuneTn | none | LREAL | FineTuning parameters for the PID controller (only for advanced users) |
fTuneTv | none | LREAL | FineTuning parameters for the PID controller (only for advanced users) |
fTuneTd | none | LREAL | FineTuning parameters for the PID controller (only for advanced users) |
TYPE ST_ParaController :
(* Main Controller parameter set *)
KpMain : LREAL;
TnMain : LREAL;
TvMain : LREAL;
TdMain : LREAL;
(* Pre Controller parameter set *)
KpPre : LREAL;
TvPre : LREAL;
TdPre : LREAL;
Name | Unit | Value range | Description |
KpMain | none | LREAL | Gain factor for the main controller |
TnMain | s | TIME | Integral action time for main controller (I component) |
TvMain | s | TIME | Derivative action time for main controller (D component) |
TdMain | s | TIME | Damping time for the main controller |
KpPre | none | LREAL | Amplification factor for the pre-controller |
TvPre | s | TIME | Derivative action time for pre-controller (D component) |
TdPre | s | TIME | Damping time for the pre-controller |
Name | Description |
TC_ERR_NOERROR | No error |
TC_ERR_INVALIDPARAM | Invalid parameter |
TC_ERR_NO_INIT | Missing function block initialization. |
TC_ERR_NO_INFLECTION_POINT | No inflection was found during self-tuning. No parameters could be determined. |
TC_ERR_INVALID_PARAM | Invalid parameter |
TC_ERR_INVALID_CYCLETIME | Invalid combination of cycle times (sampling times and PWM cycle times) |
TC_ERR_WRONG_TU | A valid value for the Tu parameter could not be found due to faulty or aborted self-tuning. |
Name | Description |
TC_OnFailureNoFailure | No error |
TC_OnFailureStopController | If there is an error (an alarm) the controller will stop. |
TC_OnFailureSetManMode | If there is an error (an alarm) the controller will switch to manual operation. |
TC_OnFailureSetYMax | If there is an error (an alarm) set the control value to its maximum. |
TC_OnFailureSetYMin | If there is an error (an alarm) set the control value to its minimum. |
Name | Description |
CTRLMODE_HEATING | Heating only |
CTRLMODE_COOLING | Cooling only |
CTRLMODE_HEATING_COOLING | Heating and cooling |
Name | Description |
TC_STATE_IDLE | Controller switched off. |
TC_STATE_INIT | Controller is being initialized. |
TC_STATE_OFF | Controller switched off, was previously switched on. |
TC_STATE_TUNE | Controller in tuning / self adjustment state. |
TC_STATE_MANUAL_OPERATION | Controller in manual operation. |
TC_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP | Controller in automatic operation. |
TC_STATE_TUNE_IDLE | Tuning started but not yet running. Waiting for idle. |
TC_STATE_TUNE_PULSE | Pulse for determination of dead time. |
TC_STATE_TUNE_STEP | Step for determination of dead time and maximum velocity. |
TC_STATE_TUNE_READY | Self-tuning complete. |
TC_STATE_ERROR | Error (logical error) |
Name | Description |
E_FilterType_FIRSTORDER | First order filter |
E_FilterType_AVERAGE | Mean value filter |
Name | Description |
E_ControllerType_PID | Standard PID control algorithm |
E_ControllerType_PIDD2 | Planned serial PID control algorithm |
Bit-masks for alarms
Name | Mask | Description |
nAlarmOpen | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001 | Hardware: open temperature sensor |
nAlarmReverse | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010 | Hardware: reverse connected temperature sensor |
nAlarmBack | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100 | Hardware: excessive voltage at temperature sensor |
nAlarmLeakage | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000 | Hardware: Measured leakage current. |
nAlarmShortCircuit | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000 | Hardware: Short circuit |
nAlarmOpenCircuit | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000 | Hardware: no current |
nAlarmLimitLow | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000 | Software: fallen below first lower relative temperature. |
nAlarmLimitLow | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000 | Software: fallen below second lower relative temperature. |
nAlarmLimitHigh | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0000 | Software: first upper relative temperature exceeded. |
nAlarmLimitHigh | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_0000 | Software: second upper relative temperature exceeded. |
nAlarmAbsolute | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000_0000 | Software: upper absolute temperature exceeded. |
nAlarmAbsolute | 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000_0000 | Software: fallen below lower absolute temperature. |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT 3.1.4016 | PC or CX | Tc2_TempController |