The function block controls a digitally manipulated variable for the integration of actuators. It is based on a standard PID controller with an additional binary output signal in conjunction with the analog output and works without a precise position feedback signal.
The position feedback signal required to calculate the controller output is estimated using the limiting values and the time required to reach these limits. The function block then generates pulses that are required to drive the actuator as a servomotor.
fSetpointValue : LREAL;
fActualValue : LREAL;
bLimitSwitchPos : BOOL;
bLimitSwitchNeg : BOOL;
bAutoReset : BOOL;
fDisturbanceValue : REAL;
bManualDigitalPos : BOOL;
bManualDigitalNeg : BOOL;
eMode : E_CTRL_MODE;
Name | Type | Description |
fSetpointValue | LREAL | Setpoint of the controlled variable |
fActualValue | LREAL | Actual value of the control value |
bLimitSwitchPos | BOOL | Limit switch, becomes TRUE when the upper stop is reached. |
bLimitSwitchNeg | BOOL | Limit switch, becomes TRUE when the lower stop is reached. |
bAutoReset | BOOL | If the variable is TRUE, it resets the controller to initial conditions. |
nSensorType | E_CTRL_STEP_ | Enables the selection of the correct thermocouple type. |
fDisturbance | REAL | Actual value of the disturbance variable |
bManualDigital | BOOL | If the variable is TRUE, the motor is manually set to the positive direction |
bManualDigital | BOOL | If TRUE, the motor is manually set to the negative direction |
eMode | E_CTRL_MODE | Input specifying the operation mode of the controller |
bCtrlDigitalPos : BOOL;
bCtrlDigitalNeg : BOOL;
fCtrlAnalog : LREAL;
eState : E_CTRL_STATE;
bError : BOOL;
bBusy : BOOL;
bMinLimitNeg : BOOL;
bMinLimitPos : BOOL;
bARWActive : BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
bCtrlDigitalPos | BOOL | Output required to run the motor in a positive direction. |
bCtrlDigitalNeg | BOOL | Output required to run the motor in a negative direction. |
fCtrlAnalog | LREAL | Analog output of the controller |
eState | E_CTRL_STATE | Actual state of the controller |
eErrorId | E_CTRL_ERRORCODES | Returns the error number if |
bError | BOOL | TRUE if an error occurs in the function block. |
bBusy | BOOL | TRUE when the function block is active. |
bMinLimitNeg | BOOL | TRUE at this output indicates that the controller has reached its minimum limit value. |
bMinLimitPos | BOOL | TRUE at this output indicates that the controller has reached its maximum limit value. |
bARWActive | BOOL | TRUE at this output indicates that the controller is currently restricted. |
Name | Type | Description |
stCtrlParams | ST_CTRL_STEP_PID_PARAMS | Parameter structure of the controller. |
consists of the following elements:
tCtrlCycleTime : TIME;
tTaskCycleTime : TIME;
fKp : REAL;
fTn : REAL;
fTv : REAL;
fTd : REAL;
fDeadBandWidth : REAL;
tMinimumPulseTime : TIME;
tFilterTime : TIME;
fWmax : REAL;
fWmin : REAL;
fYMax : REAL;
fYMin : REAL;
Name | Type | Description |
tCtrlCycleTime | TIME | Cycle time with which the control loop is processed. This must be greater than or equal to the TaskCycleTime. The function block uses this input value for internal calculation to determine whether the state and output values have been updated in the current cycle. |
tTaskCycleTime | TIME | Cycle time with which the function block is called. If the function block is called in every cycle, this corresponds to the task cycle time of the calling task. |
fKp | REAL | Controller gain or proportional gain |
fTn | REAL | Integral action time: The I component is disabled if this parameter is zero. |
fTv | REAL | Derivative action time; the D component is disabled if this parameter is zero. |
fTd | REAL | Damping time |
fTM | REAL | Digital valve actuation time in seconds |
fDeadBandWidth | REAL | Permissible width of the controller deviation |
tMinimumPulse | TIME | Minimum pulse time for pulse generator |
tFilterTime | TIME | Filter time for actual value filter |
fWmax | REAL | Maximum setpoint in °C |
fWmin | REAL | Minimum setpoint in °C |
fYMax | REAL | Maximum value of the controller output |
fYMin | REAL | Minimum value of controller output |