Quick start

Convert model (optional)

An ML description file (KerasMLPExample_cos.XML) is provided in the ZIP of the Quick start sample. This file can be used directly for integration into TwinCAT, or optionally converted to a binary format (BML).

The method of converting a description file is shown below by way of an example. The same procedure also applies to the more usual case where an ONNX file is to be converted.

The Machine Learning Model Manager is open.
Menu bar: (Extensions)* > TwinCAT > Machine Learning > Machine Learning Model Manager
* Only with Visual Studio 2019
1. Use the Convert tool.
2. Click Select file and select the file KerasMLPExample_cos.XML.
3. In the drop-down menu, select Convert to *.bml
4. Click Convert files.
The corresponding BML appears under <TwinCATpath>\Functions\TF38xx-Machine-Learning\ConvertToolFiles
Quick start 1:

You can change the default path for saving converted ML description files in the Machine Learning Model Manager with Select Target Path. The change is persistent.

Quick start 2:

You can also convert several files at once by means of multi-selection.
The converted files are saved by default on the XAE system in the folder <TwinCATpath>\Functions\TF38xx-Machine-Learning\ConvertToolFiles.

Integration in TwinCAT via the PLC API

The procedure to load the ML description file into TwinCAT and to run it cyclically is described below. The PLC API is dealt with first.

In the Declaration, please create an instance of FB_MllPrediction. In this simple case, the description file contains an MLP with one input and one output of the type FP32; accordingly, variables for input and output are created as REAL. A more generally accepted possibility to handle the inputs and outputs can be found in the Samples for PLC API.

In addition, create a string variable that contains the file name incl. path to the ML description file (path on the target system). Copy the corresponding file to this location on the target system (FTP, RDP, Shared Folder, …).
Further information on this step can be found here.


Path of the description file on the target system

Pay attention to the settings of the File Writer and the writing rights on the target system.

   fbPredict  :  FB_MllPrediction;      // ML Interface
   nInputDim, nOutputDim : UDINT := 1;
   fDataIn, fDataOut : REAL;
   sModelName   : T_MaxString  := 'C:/TwinCAT/3.1/Boot/ML_Boot/KerasMLPExample_cos.xml';
   hrErrorCode  : HRESULT;
   bLoadModel   : BOOL;
   nState       : INT := 0;

In the Implementation part you create a state machine, for example, which enables you to switch between the Idle state, Config state, Predict state and Error state.

In the first state you initially wait for the command to load a description file. Subsequently, the Configure method of the fbPredict function block is called until TRUE is returned. This is present for one cycle and means that the configuration has been completed. A check is then done to establish whether an error occurred. If no error occurred, the state is switched to the next state, which is the Predict state. The state machine remains in the Predict state as long as no error occurs or a (new) model is to be loaded.

CASE nState OF
    0: // idle state
      IF bLoadModel THEN
         bLoadModel := FALSE;
         nState := 10;
   10: // Config state
      fbPredict.stPredictionParameter.MlModelFilepath := sModelName; // provide model path and name
      IF fbPredict.Configure() THEN // load model
         IF fbPredict.bError THEN
            nState := 999;
            hrErrorCode := fbPredict.hrErrorCode;
         ELSE // no error -> proceed to predict state
            nState := 20; 
   20: // Predict state
         pDataInp := ADR(fDataIn),
         nDataInpDim := nInputDim,
         fmtDataInpType := ETcMllDataType.E_MLLDT_FP32_REAL,
         pDataOut := ADR(fDataOut),
         nDataOutDim := nOutputDim,
         fmtDataOutType := ETcMllDataType.E_MLLDT_FP32_REAL,
         nEngineId := 0,
         nConcurrencyId := 0);
      IF fbPredict.bError THEN // error handling
         nState := 999;
         hrErrorCode := fbPredict.hrErrorCode;         
      ELSIF bLoadModel THEN // load (updated) model
         bLoadModel := FALSE;
         nState := 10;
   999: // Error state
       // add error handling here       

The Predict method of fbPredict is used in the Predict state. This runs the loaded model. The method is informed of the input variables via the first three parameters of the method – pointer to a PLC variable, number of inputs and associated data type. The same is to be specified for the output variables (parameters 4 to 6). nEngineId and nConcurrencyId are not required in this simple example and are always transferred with the value zero. Details for these parameters can be found in the samples Detailed example and Parallel, non-blocking access to an inference module.

Before activating the project on a target, you must select the TF3810 license manually on the Manage Licenses tab under System>License in the project tree, as you wish to load a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).

You can now activate the configuration. Log into the PLC and start the program. By setting the bLoadModel variable in the online view to TRUE, the model is now loaded and begins with the prediction. You can manipulate the input variable fDataIn and view the results in the output fDataOut. The multi-layer perceptron loaded approximately maps a cosine function in the input range of [-pi, pi] to the value range [-1,1]. Outside of the range [-pi, pi] the function increasingly diverges from the cosine function.

Quick start 3:

You can download the sample described above here.

Incorporation of a model by means of TcCOM object

This section deals with the execution of machine learning models by means of a prepared TcCOM object. A detailed description can be found here. This interface offers a simple and clear way of loading models, executing them in real-time and generating appropriate links in your own application by means of the process image.

Generate a prepared TcCOM object TcMachineLearningModelCycal

1. To do this, select the node TcCOM Objects with the right mouse button and select Add New Item…
Quick start 4:

Under Tasks, generate a new TwinCAT task and assign this task context to the newly generated instance of TcMachineLearningModelCycal

2. To do this, open the Context tab of the generated object.
3. Select your generated task in the drop-down menu.
The instance of TcMachineLearningModelCycal has a tab called ML model configuration where you can load the description file of the ML algorithm (XML or BML) and the available data types for the inputs and outputs of the selected model are then displayed.

Quick start 5:

Activating the project on the target

1. Before activating the project on a target, you must select the TF3810 license manually on the Manage Licenses tab under System>License in the project tree, as you wish to load a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).
2. Activate the configuration.
You can now test the model by manually writing at the input.

Quick start 6: