Python API
Installation of the Python package
The Python package is stored as a whl file in the folder <TwinCatInstallDir>\Functions\TF38xx-Machine-Learning\Utilities\ModelManagerAPI\PythonPackage.
To install the package, use pip install
<TwinCatInstallDir>\Functions\TF38xx-Machine-Learning\Utilities\ModelManagerAPI\PythonPackage\<whl-file-name>. The folder may contain different versions of the package (only if you have installed a new setup on top of an old TwinCAT Machine Learning Setup). Make sure you always use the current version.
pip install "C:\TwinCAT\Functions\TF38xx-Machine-Learning\Utilities\ModelManagerAPI\PythonPackage\beckhoff_toolbox-3.1.230205-py3-none-any.whl"
Use of the Beckhoff toolbox
For a description of the individual points such as Custom Attributes and Model Description, see: Conversion from ONNX to XML and BML.
The following source code is also available as a py file. See: in the PythonAPI_mllib directory.
The package is loaded with
import beckhoff.toolbox as tb
Conversion of an ONNX file to XML
tb.onnximport("../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.onnx", "../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.xml")
tb.onnximport("../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.onnx", "../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.bml")
Display of model information"../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.onnx")"../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.xml")
Add Custom Attributes
new_ca = { 'nID' : -34234, 'bTested' : True, 'fNum' : 324.3E-12, 'AnotherTreeItem' : { 'fPi' : 3.13412, 'bFalseFlag' : False }}
tb.modify_ca("../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.xml","../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor-custom.xml", new_ca)
Add Model Description (name, version, author, etc. of a model)
model_description = {
"new_version" : "",
"new_name" : "CurrentPreControlAxis42",
"new_desc":"This is the most awesome model to control Axis42",
"new_tags":"awesome, ingenious, astounding",
tb.modify_md("../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor-custom.xml", "../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor-md2.xml",
Add Input and Output Transformations
![]() | Output Transformations only for selected models Whereas an input transformation is possible for all AI models, output transformations can only be used for models of the regression type. |
# add input / output scalings (input-output-transformations)
tb.modify_iot("../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor-md.xml", "../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor-iot.xml",
None) # no output transformation
The function iot_scaled_offset
expects a list of offsets and scalings. A value must be specified for each input or output.
def iot_scaled_offset(offsets : list, scalings : list):
The number of inputs in the example above is 10, therefore a list of 10 elements is transferred. No output transformation is available for decision trees, therefore a None is transferred here.
Generate multi-engines
Merge several models into one XML file.
# # Create a Multi-Engine
# merge two XML files - output file is Merged.xml
# merge two specific engines from two XML files
# merge two specific engines from two XML files and provide a reference name for both engines in the target file
tb.merge([tb.input_engine('KerasMLPExample_sin.xml','mlp_fp32_engine', 'sine'),
tb.input_engine('KerasMLPExample_cos.xml','mlp_fp32_engine', 'cosine')],
# extract a specific engine from a Multi-Engine file
tb.extract(tb.input_reference('MergedRef.xml', 'sine'),'Extract.xml')
Test-Predict for the ML Runtime in Python
Generate an XML and subsequently predict-call the ML Runtime. The ML Runtime is compiled as a DLL and is called from Python as a user-mode process. No TwinCAT Runtime is required.
tb.onnximport("../decision tree/decisiontree- regressor.onnx", "../decision tree/decisiontree- regressor.xml")
inp_file_xml = "../decision tree/decisiontree-regressor.xml"
# define input and output format and input values (10 in, 1 out)
prediction = [{'input_type': 'fp64', 'output_type': 'fp64', 'input': [-1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.4,-1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.4,4.2,4.2]}]
# call predict method of Python-ML-Runtime
out = tb.predict(inp_file_xml,prediction)
Further sample of a Classifier.
tb.onnximport("../decision tree/decisiontree-classifier.onnx", "../decision tree/decisiontree-classifier.xml")
inp_file_xml = "../decision tree/decisiontree-classifier.xml"
# define input and output format and input values (4 in, 1 out)
prediction = [{'input_type': 'fp64', 'output_type': 'int32', 'input': [-1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.4]}]
# call predict method of Python-ML-Runtime
out = tb.predict(inp_file_xml,prediction)