TcMlServer Service

The installation of TF3820 can be verified by checking the presence of the TcMlServer.exe service. Note that the TcMlServer service offers a delayed autonomous start on restart. Please note the delayed start time here. The TcMlServer allocates ADS port 19900 on the system at startup.

System requirements

Apart from a 64-bit Windows and a TC1000 TwinCAT 3 ADS installation (workload TC1000.ADS.XAR), the TcMlServer does not formally place any further requirements on the system apart from a hard disk requirement of approx. 500 MB. However, the highest possible number of UM cores is recommended for high-performance operation of the TcMlServer.

License query

When starting, the TcMlServer checks whether the TF3820 license is available. If the license is not initially available, the license status is queried every ten seconds. It may therefore take a short time for a license to become effective. A corresponding error code is issued for requests if the TcMlServer is not correctly licensed.

Installation path and log files:


In support cases, log files with any recorded messages are available in the logs folder.

The logs folder has the following structure:

After each restart, the TcMlServer creates a new directory whose name is made up of the creation date and time. The logs are stored in JSON file format in the directory and regularly written by the TcMlServer, if available. In the event of an error, there may therefore be several JSON files whose names specify an interval of the errors or warnings they contain.