The subfolder Read contains low-level blocks which are necessary for reading via ADS.
Init Reader
The Init Reader block initializes the ADS reader. When a call is successful the block returns a handle to the ADS reader.

Input/output | Meaning |
[0] [4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[5] [6] SymbolName | Describes an ADS symbol consisting of AMS address and symbol designation:
Examples of the symbol name:
[7] [8] ReaderMode | The reading mode (ENUM: Sync/Async) |
[10] ReadHandle | Handle to the ADS reader |
Send Reader-Request
The Send Reader-Request block sends a read request to the ADS server. The block waits for a response from the server if the reader has been initialized with the "Synchronous" operation mode. Otherwise the block does not wait for the response and passes the ReadHandle.

Input/output | Meaning |
[0] [4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[5] [6] SymbolName | Describes an ADS symbol consisting of AMS address and symbol designation:
Examples of the symbol name:
[7] ReaderMode | The reading mode (ENUM: Sync/Async) |
[8] [9] ReadHandle | Handle to the ADS reader |
[10] Read status? | Read status |
[14] ADS-Read Data | ADS raw data |
Register Notification
The Register Notification block registers the ADS notification with the ADS server and waits until the notification is explicitly unregistered from the outside. The registration does not start the notifications automatically. They have to be started explicitly.

Input/output | Meaning |
[0] [4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[1] ElapseTimeMs | ADS symbol consisting of AMSNetId and symbol name |
[5] ReaderMode | The type of reading: LabVIEW™-ENUM: |
[7] Reader Argument | Reader arguments vary with the ReaderMode:
[9] [10] ReadHandle | Handle to the ADS reader |
In connection with the "Asynchronous" operation mode the TryReadData block checks the successful receipt of a response (ADS data packet) from the ADS server.

Input/output | Meaning |
[0] [4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[5] SymbolName | Describes an ADS symbol consisting of AMS address and symbol designation:
Examples of the symbol name:
[6] [9] ReadHandle | Handle to the ADS reader |
[8] Read status? | Read status |
[10] ADS-Read Data | ADS raw data |
Release Reader
The Release Reader releases the handle to the reader from memory.

Input/output | Meaning |
[0] [4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[5] ReadHandle | Handle to the ADS reader |