Event-based frequency analysis

This sample implements an event based frequency analysis. The generated signal consists of a noisy sine signal with a frequency of 200 Hz and pure noise, which alternate every two seconds. Buffering of the signal begins when a rising edge is detected in the (generated) input signal. The collected data are then relayed via FB_CMA_Source to the function block FB_CMA_MagnitudeSpectrum.

The source code for the sample is available for download from here:


Block diagram

Event-based frequency analysis 1:

Program parameters

The table below shows a list of important parameters for the configuration of the magnitude spectrum function block.

FFT length


Window size


Buffer size


Window type


Scaling type

eCM_ PeakAmplitude

Event-based buffering of the input signal

The program block CollectData controls the event-based sampling of the input signal. The input parameters are defined as follows:

PROGRAM CollectData
    bTrigger     : BOOL;     // Trigger signal, start with rising edge
    aInputSignal : ARRAY[1..cOversamples] OF LREAL;  // input time signal

The inverse of the trigger signal bTrigger_ and the current state of buffer are stored locally.

    bTrigger_          : BOOL := FALSE;
    nSourceState       : UINT := 0;
    nActualBuffersSent : ULINT := 0;
    nBuffersToSent     : ULINT := 2;

    // ...


Event-controlled sampling of the signal takes place when the trigger signal has a rising edge and the buffer is ready, i.e. state 0.

IF (bTrigger AND NOT bTrigger_) AND nSourceState = 0 THEN
    nActualBuffersSent := fbSource.nCntResults;  // check number of sent MultiArrays from fbSource
    fbSourceState := 1;
bTrigger_ := bTrigger;

The following code shows the actual event-based buffering of the signal via the source function block.

CASE nSourceState OF

    1: // if <nBuffersToSent> MultiArrays has been sent, stop buffering

       fbSource.Input1D( pDataIn      := ADR(aInputSignal),
                         nDataInSize  := SIZEOF(aInputSignal),
                         eElementType := eMA_TypeCode_LREAL,
                         nWorkDim     := 0,
                         pStartIndex  := 0,
                         nOptionPars  := 0);

       IF (fbSource.nCntResults-nActualBuffersSent) = nBuffersToSent THEN
           nSourceState := 2;

    2: // reset Source Buffer and wait for next trigger hit

       nSourceState := 0;


The buffered signal data is subsequently relayed to the magnitude spectrum function block. The buffered signal is processed in the same way as shown in the Magnitude spectrum: sample.


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1.4018

PC or CX (x86, x64)

Tc3_CM, Tc3_CM_Base, Tc3_MultiArray