Import Analytics Files

Import Analytics Files 1:

In the following it is assumed that you have installed TwinCAT under "C:/TwinCAT". Otherwise, you must adjust the specified paths accordingly.

You can import recordings from the Analytics Logger stored in Analytics File Format (Analytics.tas, Analytics-<Date>.tay) into the Storage Provider.

To do this, perform the following steps:

1. Place the folder with the Analytics files in your Storage Provider location
By default, here: C:\TwinCAT\Functions\TF3520-Analytics-StorageProvider\Storage\Analytics StorageProvider (create the folders manually if they do not exist)
Import Analytics Files 2:
2. Open the TwinCAT.Analytics.StorageProvider.Configurator.exe. The program can be found under the path C:\TwinCAT\Functions\TF3520-Analytics-StorageProvider\Tools
3. Select the Storage into which the Analytics File is to be imported and press the DataImport button. Import Analytics Files 3:
4. Then select the path to the Analytics File in the DataImport dialog and enter all other known parameters for this recording.
Import Analytics Files 4:
5. Press OK and the data import begins.
Import Analytics Files 5:
Now you can see your imported data in the TwinCAT Target Browser.
You may have to wait a short time or restart your Storage Provider.