Configure the algorithm. Channel specific parameter are set using the method ConfigueChannel().
METHOD Configure : BOOL
eTeachMode : E_ALY_TeachMode;
nSegmentSize : UDINT;
tTimeout : TIME;
nSetNumTeaches : UDINT;
bInvolveExistingFile : BOOL;
sFilePath : STRING(255);
bNegateStartPeriod : BOOL;
bNegateStopPeriod : BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
eTeachMode | Configuring the teach-in mode Minimum: Minimum of the stored data point and input data point. Maximum: Maximum of the stored data point and input data point. Mean: Mean value of the stored data point and input data point in relation to nCurrentTeachCycles. | |
nSegmentSize | UDINT | Number of buffered elements for file operation. |
tTimeout | TIME | Timeout for asynchronous operations. |
nSetNumTeaches | UDINT | Teach-in number to be added to the file in Read state. "0" = not limited. |
bInvolveExistingFile | BOOL | If TRUE, include existing file (if any). If FALSE, create new file. |
sFilePath | STRING(255) | Path to the taught file, e.g. C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Boot\Teach.tas |
bNegateStartPeriod | BOOL | Negates the input parameter bStartPeriod. |
bNegateStopPeriod | BOOL | Negates the input parameter bStopPeriod. |
Return value
Name | Type | Description |
Configure | BOOL | Returns |