Configure the algorithm. Channel specific parameter are set using the method ConfigueChannel().
METHOD Configure : BOOL
eTimerMOde : E_ALY_TimerMode;
tInterval : LTIME;
Name | Type | Description |
eTimerMode | Mode of the timer: TON: The TON timer is a switch-on delay timer that enables the output after the threshold condition becomes TRUE and the timespan specified in the interval has elapsed. TOF: The TOF timer is a switch-off delay timer that disables the output after the threshold condition becomes FALSE and the timespan specified in the interval has elapsed. TP: The TP timer is a pulse generator that activates the output for the time specified in the interval after the threshold condition becomes TRUE. | |
tInterval | LTIME | Interval time in which the events are to be considered |
Return value
Name | Type | Description |
Configure | BOOL | Returns |