Configure the algorithm. Channel specific parameter are set using the method ConfigueChannel().
METHOD Configure : BOOL
tIdealCycleTime : LTIME;
fThresholdLevelOkWarning : LREAL;
fThresholdLevelWarningAlarm : LREAL;
Name | Type | Description |
tIdealCycleTime | BOOL | Ideal cycle time for the production of one unit. |
fThresholdLevelOkWarning | LREAL | The overall equipment effectiveness greater than the configured threshold is classified as OK. If the overall equipment effectiveness is less than or equal to the configured threshold, it is classified as Warning. |
fThresholdLevelWarningAlarm | LREAL | If the overall equipment effectiveness is greater than the configured threshold, it is classified as Warning. If the overall equipment effectiveness is less than or equal to the configured threshold, it is classified as Alarm . |
Return value
Name | Type | Description |
Configure | BOOL | Returns |