FAQ - frequently asked questions and answers

In this section frequently asked questions are answered in order to make your work with TwinCAT Analytics Logger easier. If you have further questions, please contact our support team support@beckhoff.com.

Should I always use TLS with MQTT?

Is it possible to have multiple connections?

Is it possible to control the Analytics Logger by a PLC function block?

?Should I always use TLS with MQTT?

!Yes, you should if you can. If you can afford the overhead in CPU and bandwidth, then a secure communication channel is invaluable. Depending on the general CPU performance it could be possible to have a noticeable reduction of communication performance.

?Is it possible to have multiple connections?

!Yes, you can connect the Analytics Logger at the same time to different Message Broker just by adding a new instance of the Logger. Also it is possible to have one instance of the Logger for an MQTT communication to a Message Broker and at the same time one instance for writing data into Analytics File to the local system.

?Is it possible to control the Analytics Logger by a PLC function block?

!There is no special function block to control the Analytics Logger. But you can use an interface of the Analytics Logger to control him with easy commands like start and stop from the PLC. How to do see this cheapter.