
TwinCAT 3 Scope is the charting and analysis tool for TwinCAT. Variables in TwinCAT can be recorded and displayed graphically. Sampling rates can be adjusted individually for each channel. Recordings in the µs range and long-term recordings over several days are equally possible. Due to division into a Scope View with multi-core support for the display of the signals and a Scope Server for the recording of the values, it is possible it to connect to servers distributed in the field from a central View. A tool is thus available not only for machine commissioning, but also for process monitoring. The TwinCAT 3 Scope functionality includes cursor tools and trigger functions.

TwinCAT 3 Scope also sets new standards for Engineering. Like TwinCAT 3 itself, it is integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio. It is thus possible to use TwinCAT 3 projects and Scope projects in parallel in a single solution. Variables can be shifted very simply from the TwinCAT 3 project to a Scope configuration. Of course the Scope can also still be used as a standalone tool in the framework of the TwinCAT XAE Shell.

Due to the constantly increasing range of functions required of data analysis tools, the TwinCAT 3 Scope is subdivided into product levels with different ranges of features. The TwinCAT 3 Scope Base contains a license-free View and a license-free Server. Both are installed together with TwinCAT 3 XAE.

Product note

The TwinCAT 3 Scope software consists of two products:

Both components must be available in the system in order to be able to use the Scope.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the two main components View and Server is explained in detail in the Basic Concept in the Technical Introduction.

Product level / feature list

The following table shows which functionalities are available with which TwinCAT Scope level and the corresponding licensing arrangement.


Scope Base

Scope Server
Full Licence

Scope View Professional










7 days trial version


7 days trial version








Free of charge

Overview 1:

Overview 2:

Overview 3:

Overview 4:

Overview 5:

Overview 6:

Local record

Overview 7:

Overview 8:

Overview 9:

Overview 10:

Overview 11:

Overview 12:

Remote Record using Target Server

Overview 13:

Overview 14:

Overview 15:

Overview 16:

Overview 17:

Overview 18:

Remote Record using Local Server

Overview 19:

Overview 20:

Overview 21:

Overview 22:

Overview 23:

Overview 24:

Scope Control Integration


Overview 25:



Overview 26:

Overview 27:

Long Time Records > 1h


Overview 28:



Overview 29:

Overview 30:

Ring Buffer

Overview 31:

Overview 32:

Overview 33:

Overview 34:

Overview 35:

Overview 36:

Auto Save


Overview 37:



Overview 38:

Overview 39:

Auto Export


Overview 40:



Overview 41:

Overview 42:

Restart Record


Overview 43:



Overview 44:

Overview 45:

View Multicore Support


Overview 46:



Overview 47:

Overview 48:
















Overview 49:

Overview 50:

Overview 51:

Overview 52:

Overview 53:

Overview 54:


Overview 55:

Overview 56:

Overview 57:

Overview 58: (3 Nodes)

Overview 59:

Overview 60: (3 Nodes)















Configuration Wizard


Overview 61:



Overview 62:

Overview 63:

Target Browser Filter


Overview 64:



Overview 65:

Overview 66:

Individual Sample Rate


Overview 67:



Overview 68:

Overview 69:

Drag and Drop for Configuration


Overview 70:



Overview 71:

Overview 72:

Docking Windows


Overview 73:



Overview 74:

Overview 75:

YT Time based Charts


Overview 76:



Overview 77:

Overview 78:

XY Charts


Overview 79:



Overview 80:

Overview 81:

Array Bar Charts


Overview 82:



Overview 83:

Overview 84:

Overview Chart


Overview 85:



Overview 86:

Overview 87:

Stacked Y-Axes


Overview 88:



Overview 89:

Overview 90:

Logarithmic Y-Axes


Overview 91:



Overview 92:

Overview 93:

Chart synchronisation


Overview 94:



Overview 95:

Overview 96:

Master Chart synchronisation


Overview 97:



Overview 98:

Overview 99:

Channel Marks


Overview 100:



Overview 101:

Overview 102:

Channel Offset


Overview 103:



Overview 104:

Overview 105:

Channel Scaling


Overview 106:



Overview 107:

Overview 108:



Overview 109:



Overview 110:

Overview 111:



Overview 112:



Overview 113:

Overview 114:



Overview 115:



Overview 116:

Overview 117:



Overview 118:



Overview 119:

Overview 120:

Print Report


Overview 121:



Overview 122:

Overview 123:

Data export wizard


Overview 124:



Overview 125:

Overview 126:

Export tool

Overview 127:

Overview 128:

Overview 129:

Overview 130:

Overview 131:

Overview 132:

Extended data export formats


Overview 133:



Overview 134:

Overview 135:

Attach/Detach Client to/from recording server

Overview 136:

Overview 137:

Overview 138:

Overview 139:

Overview 140:

Overview 141:

Autostart Record after Serverstart

Overview 142:


Overview 143:

Overview 144:



Curve Creator


Overview 145:



Overview 146:

Overview 147:

Curve Creator Transformationen


Overview 148:



Overview 149:

Overview 150:

Data Scout


Overview 151:



Overview 152:

Overview 153:

Data Scout Toolbar snipping buttons


Overview 154:



Overview 155:

Overview 156:















Event Marker


Overview 157:



Overview 158:

Overview 159:

Start Record


Overview 160:



Overview 161:

Overview 162:

Stop Record


Overview 163:



Overview 164:

Overview 165:

Stop Display


Overview 166:



Overview 167:

Overview 168:

Restart Display


Overview 169:



Overview 170:

Overview 171:

Start Subsave


Overview 172:



Overview 173:

Overview 174:

Stop Subsave


Overview 175:



Overview 176:

Overview 177:

Reporting Trigger


Overview 178:



Overview 179:

Overview 180:

Reporting Collector


Overview 181:



Overview 182:

Overview 183:

Reporting Collector + Trigger


Overview 184:



Overview 185:

Overview 186:















Unit Property


Overview 187:



Overview 188:

Overview 189:

Unit Wizard


Overview 190:



Overview 191:

Overview 192:

Unit Dictionary Editor


Overview 193:



Overview 194:

Overview 195:

Unit generation by Terminal selection


Overview 196:



Overview 197:

Overview 198:

Parse Units from PLC Code


Overview 199:



Overview 200:

Overview 201:

Units in Target Browser


Overview 202:



Overview 203:

Overview 204:

Units in Tooltips


Overview 205:



Overview 206:

Overview 207:

Units in Cursor Window


Overview 208:



Overview 209:

Overview 210:








Vision Integration:







Vision Acquisitions


Overview 211:



Overview 212:

Overview 213: (max 1)

Vision picture export

Overview 214:

Overview 215:



Overview 216:

Overview 217:



Overview 218:



Overview 219:

Overview 220: (max 1)








Reporting Integration:







24/7-Reporting with Trigger Groups


Overview 221:



Overview 222:

Overview 223:








Adding Additional Information


Overview 224: (max 1)



Overview 225:

Overview 226: (max 1)

Select specific Scope Information


Overview 227:



Overview 228:

Overview 229:

Select specific charts


Overview 230:



Overview 231:

Overview 232: