Add Watch

For transitions, the command Add Watch is available in the corresponding context menu.

The command is only available in online mode and provides a further debugging option – in addition to the integrated online view available with the transition – for transferring the variables of a transition to the watch list via a command. This command is particularly useful if a transition expression consists of a combination of several variables (e.g. "bCondition1 AND bCondition2"). If you execute the command Add Watch for this transition, both variables of the transition expression are added to the watch list, i.e. bCondition1 and bCondition2. This gives you a simple overview of which sub-signal of the overall expression does not yet have the required value for switching to the next state.

1. Right-click on a transition to open the corresponding context menu. The transition expression can consist of one or more variables.
2. Select the Add Watch command.
The transition expression variable(s) is/are inserted in the currently open watch list. If no watch list is currently open, the command inserts the variable(s) into Watch List 1 and opens its view.