The "TF1910 | TC3 UML" function is already installed together with the installation of the TwinCAT 3 development environment/runtime. Accordingly, there is no separate TF1910 setup/package. The difference between the engineering and runtime components is explained below. You will then find information on installation on a 4026 or 4024 system and on Licensing.
Engineering + Runtime:
The TwinCAT 3 Engineering setup (up to build 4024) and the standard engineering workload (from build 4026) contain:
- the engineering components for the UML class diagram and the UML state diagram
- and the runtime components for the UML state diagram.
The engineering components can be used directly after installing the development environment. No license is required for this. Information on licensing the runtime components can be found under Licensing.
Runtime only:
If the UML state diagram is used and only the runtime components are to be installed explicitly, the runtime components are installed with the TwinCAT 3 Runtime setup (up to build 4024) or with the standard runtime workload (from build 4026).
TwinCAT Package Manager: Installation (TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026)
Detailed instructions on installing products can be found in the chapter Installing workloads in the TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026 installation instructions.
Install the following workload to be able to use the product:
- Engineering + Runtime: TwinCAT.Standard.XAE
- Runtime: TwinCAT.Standard.XAR
TwinCAT setup: Installation (TwinCAT 3.1 build 4024 and earlier)
Install the following setup in order to be able to use the product:
- Engineering + Runtime: TwinCAT 3.1 eXtended Automation Engineering (XAE) (full installation)
- Runtime: TwinCAT 3.1 eXtended Automation Runtime (XAR)
Detailed installation instructions can be found in the chapter Installation TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4024.