Static Values

Static values are often used in analysis algorithms to store constants that should remain unchanged during the execution of the algorithm. These static values can serve, for example, as thresholds, scaling factors, or other mathematical constants used in the algorithm.

The use of static values in analysis algorithms offers several advantages. First, the performance of the algorithm can be improved by avoiding computations that otherwise, would have to be performed during each execution of the algorithm. Instead, the algorithm can access the static value set during the initialization of the algorithm. On the other hand, the readability and comprehensibility of the algorithm can be improved by structuring the input value more clearly and providing constants with meaningful designations.

Static values are sorted in the TwinCAT Analytics Workbench under the Virtual Inputs in order to generate them at a central location and manage them later.

Static Values 1:

In the editor of the Virtual Input Source you can create a new Virtual Input or edit an existing one by using +.

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Afterwards, the virtual input can be set to a static value (here 42) via the drop-down menu.

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This static value is now selectable throughout the configuration via the Input module.

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Static values can also be used on network inputs. Here the linking with the dependent inputs of the individual modules would run exactly the same as the behavior with incoming data inputs.

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Static values in analysis algorithms should be used cautiously. If the data or parameters to which the algorithm is applied change, it may be necessary to adjust the static values to ensure optimal performance of the algorithm. Therefore, static values should be checked regularly and adjusted if necessary to ensure that the algorithm is working correctly and effectively.