Array Statistics

Array Statistics 1:

The Array Statistics algorithm calculates various statistical quantities based on the input array.

Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.

Configuration options

The empirical standard deviation, without Bessel's correction

Array Statistics 2:

The empirical standard deviation, with Bessel's correction

Array Statistics 3:
Array Statistics 4:
Array Statistics 5:
Array Statistics 6:

Regardless of Threshold Delta, at least one maximum of the Delta between two reversals is detected.

Output values

Standard HMI Controls

For the Array Statistics algorithm, the following HMI controls are available for generating an Analytics Dashboard:

1. The SingleValue control visualizes the Sum output.

Array Statistics 7:

2. The SingleValue control visualizes the Mean output.

Array Statistics 8:

3. The SingleValue control visualizes the Standard Deviation output.

Array Statistics 9:

4. The Table Control or Multivalue Control visualizes the output values: Min, Max, Max Delta, CountPeaks Count Valleys, Sum, Mean, Standard Deviation.

Array Statistics 10:
Array Statistics 11:
Array Statistics 12:

Alternatively, customer-specific HMI controls can be mapped in the Standard Deviation algorithm using the Mapping Wizard.