Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch

Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 1:

Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch determines whether the input signal is within the configured limits or is less than or greater than the limits.

Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.

Configuration Options

Output values

Standard HMI Controls

For the Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch algorithm, the following HMI controls are available for generating an Analytics Dashboard:

1. The BandwidthClassifier control visualizes the output values Class and Last Event and the configuration options Lower Bound and Upper Bound.

Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 2:

2. The MultiState control visualizes the output value Class.

Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 3:

3. The Table Control or Multivalue Control visualizes all output values: Class, Last Event.

Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 4:
Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 5:
Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch 6:

Alternatively, customer-specific HMI controls can be mapped in the Bandwidth Classifier 1Ch algorithm using the Mapping Wizard.