Time Based Envelope 1Ch

The Time Based Envelope 1Ch algorithm checks whether the periodic input data is within a configured range of values read from a file. This can be a reference signal that was previously learned with Time Based Teach Path 1Ch, for example. The comparison starts when the signal of the Start Period flag is TRUE. It is recommended not to use Time Based Envelope 1Ch simultaneously with Time Based Teach Path 1Ch due to concurrent file access. Instead, a reference signal should first be taught in with Time Based Teach Path 1Ch and only then should the evaluation be carried out with the aid of the Time Based Envelope 1Ch.
Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.
Configuration Options
- File Path: Path to the previously teached data file.
- Band Mode: Mode of the band operation (use absolute or relative values).
- Band: Bandwidth of the band operation.
Output values
- Executing Compare: displays TRUE if the algorithm is processing the envelope, otherwise FALSE. The envelope process begins when the Start Period flag is TRUE.
- Lower Band: displays the value of the lower band depending on the band mode.
- Upper Band: displays the value of the upper band depending on the band mode.
- Within Band: displays TRUE if the current values are within the band, otherwise FALSE.
- Compare Result: result of the current comparison. Indicates whether the current values are within the band or are smaller or larger than the band.
- Current Compared Cycles: number of cycles that have been compared.
- Count Within Band: counts how often the values were within the band.
- Count Smaller: counts how often the values were smaller than the band.
- Count Bigger: counts how often the values were larger than the band.
- Value Number: displays the value of the data point in the file that is currently being compared.
Standard HMI Controls
For the Time Based Envelope 1Ch algorithm, the following HMI controls are available for generating an Analytics Dashboard:
1. The TimeBasedEnvelope control visualizes the output values Executing Comparison, Lower Band, Upper Band, Within Band, Compare Result, Count Within Band, Count Smaller, Count Bigger, Current Compared Cycles, State and Value Number.

2. The Table Control or Multivalue Control visualizes all output values: Executing Comparison, State, Lower Band, Upper Band, Within Band, Compare Result, Current Compared Cycles, Count Within Band, Count Smaller, Count Bigger, Value Number.

Alternatively, customer-specific HMI controls can be mapped in the Time Based Envelope algorithm using the Mapping Wizard.