Slope Analysis 1Ch
The Slope Analysis 1Ch calculates the slope between two values of the input stream. One of those two values is the current input value and the second value is the input value that occurred a defined number (configured by the parameter Num Values) of cycles before in the input stream. The difference between these two values is returned as Delta Value.
The corresponding distance on the time-coordinate is calculated as the difference of the timestamps of these two values and is provided as the output value Delta Time. Note that the value Delta Time is displayed in nanoseconds, but for the calculation of the slope it is scaled to a second as base unit.
The Slope is then calculated as the fraction of Delta Value and Delta Time (scaled to seconds) and estimates the gradient for the timestamp in the center of the two timestamps used in the calculation of Delta Time. This is the value returned as Time Slope if it corresponds to a timestamp of the input stream. For configurations, where Num Values is an uneven number there is no input value matching the exact centre timestamp. In this case the timestamp of the value that directly succeeded the calculated centre timestamp is returned as Time Slope.
Further, the algorithm provides the minimal slope, the maximal slope and the time values of minimum and maximum.
Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.
Configuration Options
Num Values: Number of cycles that are in between the values used for the calculation of the slope.
Output values
- Slope: Indicates the current slope value.
- Slope Min: Indicates the minimum of the slope values.
- Slope Max: Indicates the maximum of the slope values.
- Delta Value: Indicates the difference between the two values used to calculate the latest slope.
- Delta Time: Indicates the time period used to calculate the latest slope.
- Time Slope: Indicates the time value of the latest slope value.
- Time Slope Min: Indicates the time value of the minimum of the slope → the event can be dragged and dropped into the Scope chart to display it as a trigger-event.
- Time Slope Max: Indicates the time value of the maximum of the slope → the event can be dragged and dropped into the Scope chart to display it as a trigger-event.
Standard HMI Controls
For the Slope Analysis 1Ch algorithm, the following HMI controls are available for generating an Analytics Dashboard:
1. The SlopeAnalysis control visualizes the output values Slope, Slope Min, Slope Max, Time Slope Min and Time Slope Max.
2. The Table Control or Multivalue Control visualizes all output values: Slope, Slope Min, Slope Max, Delta Value, Delta Time, Time Slope, Time Slope Min, Time Slope Max.
Alternatively, customer-specific HMI controls can be mapped in the algorithm using the Mapping Wizard.