Event Timing Analysis 1Ch

The Event Timing Analysis 1Ch measures time differences between on- and off-event and counts the amount of raised events. An on-event is raised when the signal of the input channel passes the configured edge at a specific on-threshold and an off-event is raised when the off-threshold is passed by the same signal.
Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.
Configuration options
- Type of the edge: indicates whether the edge counter should react to a rising or a falling edge.
- Threshold On: threshold of the signal at the respective edge. The On event is triggered when the signal passes this threshold.
- Threshold Off: threshold of the signal at the respective edge. The Off event is triggered when the signal passes this threshold.
- Init With Threshold: if the value is TRUE, the algorithm uses a threshold to initialize the internal state instead of waiting for an edge.
- Single Edge: if the value is TRUE, the algorithm is executed only on the basis of the edges of the On event.
- Tolerance (optional): tolerance value for the Equal / NotEqual comparisons.
Output values
- Is On: Indicates TRUE within the timespan between the On event and the Off result, otherwise FALSE.
- Current Interval: Indicates the time of the current interval.
- Last On Interval: Timespan of the last completed interval between On event and Off event.
- Last Off Interval: Timespan of the last completed interval between Off event and the On event.
- On Min: Minimum time between On event and Off event.
- On Max: Maximum time between On event and Off event.
- On Avg: Average time between On event and Off event.
- On Total: Total time between On events and Off events.
- Off Min: Minimum time between Off event and On event.
- Off Max: Maximum time between Off event and On event.
- Off Avg: Average time between Off event and On event.
- Off Total: Total time between Off events and On events.
- Count On: Counts the number of triggered On events.
Standard HMI Controls
For the Event Timing Analysis 1Ch algorithm, the following HMI controls are available for generating an Analytics Dashboard:
1. The EventTiming control visualizes the output values Is On, Count On, Current Interval, On Min, On Max, On Avg, On Total, Off Min, Off Max, Off Avg and Off Total.

2. The SingleValue control visualizes the output value Count On.

3. The Table Control or Multivalue Control visualizes all output values: Is On, Count On, Current Interval, On Min, On Max, On Avg, On Total, Off Min, Off Max, Off Avg, Off Total.

Alternatively, customer-specific HMI controls can be mapped in the Event Timing Analysis 1Ch algorithm using the Mapping Wizard.