
The TwinCAT Analytics Workbench configurator and the TwinCAT Analytics Service Tool include various analysis algorithms that can be found in the toolbox. If the more than 50 algorithms do not meet the requirements, user-specific algorithms can be developed using the Analytics Lambda functions. If the toolbox is empty, select the Analytics project to see the algorithms.

Algorithms 1:

Currently, there are eleven different groups of algorithms: Analytics-Base, Analytics-Classification, Analytics-Compare, Analytics-Math, Analytics-Training Base, Analytics-XTS, Analytics-WT, Analytics-XY Path Analysis, Analytics-Clustering, Analytics-Statistics and Analytics-C++ Lambda Functions. User-specific algorithms can be developed using the C++ lambda functions (see C++ lambda functions). In addition, it is possible to use algorithms from other libraries that are implemented in the Analytics Toolbox (see Algorithms from other TwinCAT libraries). The Analytics Custom Toolbox Cleaner can be used to clean up the toolbox with regard to user-specific elements, such as the templates or the C++ lambda functions.

Each algorithm has the same five icons in the upper right corner:

Algorithms 2:

The different algorithm groups are described below.