Scope configuration in the network template
In addition to the configuration of a network, the configuration of the connected Scope project can also be saved in a network template. However, only those parts of the Scope can be saved that have a connection to the selected network.
Depending on whether the Scope configuration to be saved is still to be adjusted manually, the template can be saved in two ways.
Save without manual configuration
If you want to save the Scope configuration in the template without any manual adjustment, select the context menu items Save-As template and Save-As closed template.

In the following dialog, specify the location and name of the template. At this point you can use the file type Save as type to specify whether the Scope configuration should also be saved (Scope Network Template) or whether only the network (Network Template) should be saved.
Save with manual configuration
If the Scope configuration is to be checked and, if necessary, adjusted before saving, select the lowest entry in the context menu Configure template.

To control and adjust the Scope configuration, a new window opens, showing all Scope components on the left and all Analytics components on the right:

In the upper line you can set the location and name of the template. Directly below you can make general settings that affect the template.
- Add referenced scope configuration as template
Activate this setting to save the scope configuration in the template. - Closed Network
This setting determines in which format the template should be saved. This setting is only visible if at least one network input and one network output are configured in the network.
In the two tree views below, the configurations are displayed in order to still edit the Scope configuration if necessary. Here you can exclude Scope components from the template but also add them again.
All components which are added to the template are underlined in the view.
When elements are selected in the Scope tree, all Analytics components that have a direct dependency on the Scope component are also selected.

In the example above, selecting aXtsMoverVelocity[2] automatically selects the module Velo 2 because the channel indicates the module's input variable.
If a Scope component is selected that is still underlined and thus stored in the template, you can use the Exclude button to remove it from the template.
If you remove an element from the template, all elements that lie below it are also automatically removed. In addition, the element above is taken out if every element below it is also taken out.

Identical to removing elements, you can select Scope components to add them back to the template using the button Include.
It should be noted that all overlying elements are also automatically added back to the template, even if they were previously deselected.
Adding Scope configurations from the template
To use a template with the Scope configuration, you need to add the template to the Analytics project. If there is already a referenced Scope project for the project, the template configuration is added directly there. If no referenced Scope project exists yet, the template configuration will be added when the Scope project is created later.
Before the configuration is added to the project, a query opens where you can also cancel the automatic addition.