Reporting Trigger Interval

The Reporting Trigger Interval triggers the creation of a report after an event has been triggered. An event is triggered when the timespan of the configured interval has expired.
Optionally, a Boolean signal can be selected for the Enable Execution input so that the algorithm is only active if the value of the selected signal is TRUE.
Configuration options
- Interval: time interval at which the data should be sent to the Reporting Server.
- Report Name: specifies the name of the report. The name must correspond to the name of the configuration file at the Reporting Server. The drop-down menu displays all report names that are located in the Configuration folder of the Reporting Server. The Edit button can be used to edit the selected configuration file.
Output values
- Last Trigger: indicates when the last message was sent to the Reporting Server.
- Current Interval Time: indicates the amount of time that has already elapsed from the current interval.