
Each TypeScript framework control contains a constructor that is structured as follows:

export class FrameworkPrj1Control extends TcHmi.Controls.System.TcHmiControl {
   constructor(element: JQuery, pcElement: JQuery, attrs: TcHmi.Controls.ControlAttributeList) {
      super(element, pcElement, attrs);


Each JavaScript framework control contains a constructor that is structured as follows:

class FrameworkControlJs1 extends TcHmi.Controls.System.TcHmiControl {
   constructor(element, pcElement, attrs) {
      super(element, pcElement, attrs);


The parameter values of the constructor are only used internally and forwarded to the base constructor call.

With JavaScript controls, the internal variables of the control (member variables) are initialized with "undefined" within the constructor. Initialization at this point is not necessary, but is recommended for better clarity.