
[ Property ]

protected __children: TcHmi.Controls.System.baseTcHmiControl[];

This property stores an array of all child controls of this control. This is the purely logical relationship and is managed by the system.

If a control is derived from the ContainerControl, this information can be viewed publicly using the getChildren function.





List of all child controls. If there are no children, this is an empty array.

See also

Origin: TcHmiControl

__children 1:

Available from 1.8

Sample - Javascript

console.log('We have ' + myControl.__children.length + ' child controls.');
var subControl = TcHmi.ControlFactory.create('tchmi-button', 'newbutton', myControl);
if(subControl !== undefined) {
    // The child control is not visible (not attached to the DOM), but it is our child
    console.log('Now we have one control more: ' + myControl.__children.length);
    // append control to ourself