Value Class

Represents a value of any ValueType.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  TcHmiSrv
Assembly:  TcHmiSrvExtNet (in TcHmiSrvExtNet.dll) Version:



public class Value : IObject, IEquatable<Value>, 
    ICollection, IEnumerable, IConvertible, IDictionary, IDictionary<string, Value>, 
    ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, Value>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Value>>, 
    IList<Value>, ICollection<Value>, IEnumerable<Value>, 
    IReadOnlyCollection<Value>, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Value>, 
    IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<string, Value>>, IVersionable

The Value type exposes the following members.





Value Class 1:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class.

Value Class 2:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified Access.

Value Class 3:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Alarm class.

Value Class 4:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Binary class.

Value Class 5:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified boolean value.

Value Class 6:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified double-precision floating-point number.

Value Class 7:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Event class.

Value Class 8:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified integer.

Value Class 9:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified long integer.

Value Class 10:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Message class.

Value Class 11:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified Severity.

Value Class 12:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified string.

Value Class 13:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Timespan class.

Value Class 14:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified instance of the Timestamp class.

Value Class 15:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class based on another Value.

Value Class 16:


Initializes a new instance of the Value class with the specified ValueType.





Value Class 17:


A ValueIterator to the begin of the map.

Value Class 18:


A ValueVectorIterator to the begin of the vector.

Value Class 19:


Gets the number of the Values contained in the Value.

Value Class 20:


Gets a value that indicates whether the Value is empty.

Value Class 21:


A ValueIterator to the end of the map.

Value Class 22:


A ValueVectorIterator to the end of the vector.

Value Class 23:


Value Class 24:


Gets a value that indicates whether the Value is read-only.

Value Class 25:


Gets a value that indicates whether the Value is set.

Value Class 26:


Value Class 27:


Gets or sets the Value at the specified index.

Value Class 28:


Gets or sets the Value with the specified key.

Value Class 29:


Gets an ICollection.T. containing the keys of the Value.

Value Class 30:


Gets the number of Values in the map or vector.

Value Class 31:


Value Class 32:


Gets or sets the type of the Value. If the ValueType is different from the old ValueType all data will be cleared.

Value Class 33:


Gets an ICollection.T. containing the Values in the Value.





Value Class 34:


Adds a Value to the end of the vector.

Value Class 35:

Add(KeyValuePair.String, Value.)

Adds a KeyValuePair.TKey, TValue. to the Value.

Value Class 36:


Adds a Value to the Value.

Value Class 37:

Add(String, Value)

Adds a Value with the specified key to the Value.

Value Class 38:


Removes all Values from the map or vector.

Value Class 39:


Removes all Values from the Value.

Value Class 40:

Contains(KeyValuePair.String, Value.)

Determines whether the Value contains the specified KeyValuePair.TKey, TValue..

Value Class 41:


Determines whether the Value contains the specified Value.

Value Class 42:


Determines whether the Value contains a Value with the specified key.

Value Class 43:


Tries to convert the Value to another ValueType. If conversion fails, the Value will remain unchanged. Available conversions are: - int to double - double to int if there are no fractional digits - string containing number to double or int - string containing "true" or "false" to boolean - string in ISO-8601 to timestamp - string in base64 to binary - string in base64 containing 64 bit integer to int64 - struct to alarm - struct to message - struct to event - map to vector - struct to vector

Value Class 44:

CopyTo(.KeyValuePair.String, Value.., Int32)

Copies the KeyValuePair.TKey, TValue.s of the Value to an Array starting at the specified Array index.

Value Class 45:

CopyTo(.Value., Int32)

Copies the Values of the Value to an Array starting at the specified Array index.

Value Class 46:


(Inherited from IObject.)

Value Class 47:


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Value and optionally releases the managed resources (Overrides IObject.Dispose(Boolean).)

Value Class 48:


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)

Value Class 49:


Indicates whether the current Value is equal to another Value.

Value Class 50:


(Inherited from IObject.)

Value Class 51:


Finds a Value with the specified key in the map.

Value Class 52:


Finds a Value with the specified index in the vector.

Value Class 53:


Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)

Value Class 54:


Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)

Value Class 55:


Gets the TypeCode for this Value.

Value Class 56:


Determines the index of the specific Value in the Value.

Value Class 57:

insert(String, String)

Inserts a String with the specified key in the map.

Value Class 58:

insert(String, Value)

Inserts a Value with the specified key in the map.

Value Class 59:

insert(ValueVectorIterator, Value)

Inserts a Value at the specified position in the vector.

Value Class 60:


Inserts a Value to the Value at the specified index.

Value Class 61:

insert_or_update(String, String)

Inserts or updates a String with the specified key in the map.

Value Class 62:

insert_or_update(String, Value)

Inserts or updates a Value with the specified key in the map.

Value Class 63:


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)

Value Class 64:


Removes a Value at the specified index from the vector.

Value Class 65:


Removes a Value at the specified position from the map.

Value Class 66:


Removes a Value at the specified position from the vector.

Value Class 67:

remove(UInt32, UInt32)

Removes a range of Values from the vector.

Value Class 68:

Remove(KeyValuePair.String, Value.)

Removes the first occurrence of the specified KeyValuePair.TKey, TValue. from the Value.

Value Class 69:


Removes the Value with the specified key from the Value.

Value Class 70:


Removes the first occurrence of the specified Value from the Value.

Value Class 71:


Removes the Value at the specified index of the Value.

Value Class 72:


Removes a range of Values from the Value.

Value Class 73:


Reserves memory for a number of Values to reduce memory allocations.

Value Class 74:


Sets the Value to the specified Access.

Value Class 75:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Alarm class.

Value Class 76:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Binary class.

Value Class 77:


Sets the Value to the specified boolean value.

Value Class 78:


Sets the Value to the specified double-precision floating-point number.

Value Class 79:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Event class.

Value Class 80:


Sets the Value to the specified integer.

Value Class 81:


Sets the Value to the specified long integer.

Value Class 82:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Message class.

Value Class 83:


Sets the Value to the specified Severity.

Value Class 84:


Sets the Value to the specified string.

Value Class 85:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Timespan class.

Value Class 86:


Sets the Value to the specified instance of the Timestamp class.

Value Class 87:


Sets the Value to the specified ValueType.

Value Class 88:


Exchanges the values of two instances of the Value class.

Value Class 89:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Boolean value using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 90:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Byte using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 91:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Char using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 92:


Converts the Value to an equivalent DateTime using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 93:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Decimal value using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 94:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Double-precision floating-point number using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 95:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Int16 integer using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 96:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Int32 using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 97:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Int64 integer using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 98:


Converts the Value to an equivalent SByte using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 99:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Single-precision floating-point number using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 100:


Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)

Value Class 101:


Converts the Value to an equivalent String using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 102:


Converts the Value to an equivalent Object of the specified Type using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 103:


Converts the Value to an equivalent UInt16 integer using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 104:


Converts the Value to an equivalent UInt32 using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 105:


Converts the Value to an equivalent UInt64 integer using the specified IFormatProvider.

Value Class 106:


Gets the Value associated with the specified key.





Value Class 107:

Value Class 108:


Determines whether the specified Value is equal to the current Value.

Value Class 109:

Value Class 110:

.(Access to Value)

Converts an Access to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 111:

Value Class 112:

.(Alarm to Value)

Converts an Alarm to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 113:

Value Class 114:

.(Binary to Value)

Converts an instance of the Binary class to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 115:

Value Class 116:

.(Boolean to Value)

Converts a Boolean value to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 117:

Value Class 118:

.(Byte to Value)

Converts an Byte to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 119:

Value Class 120:

.(Char to Value)

Converts a Char to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 121:

Value Class 122:

.(Double to Value)

Converts a Double-precision floating-point number to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 123:

Value Class 124:

.(Event to Value)

Converts an Event to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 125:

Value Class 126:

.(Int16 to Value)

Converts an Int16 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 127:

Value Class 128:

.(Int32 to Value)

Converts an Int32 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 129:

Value Class 130:

.(Int64 to Value)

Converts a Int64 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 131:

Value Class 132:

.(Message to Value)

Converts an Message to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 133:

Value Class 134:

.(SByte to Value)

Converts an SByte to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 135:

Value Class 136:

.(Severity to Value)

Converts a Severity to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 137:

Value Class 138:

.(Single to Value)

Converts a Single-precision floating-point number to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 139:

Value Class 140:

.(String to Value)

Converts a String to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 141:

Value Class 142:

.(Timespan to Value)

Converts an instance of the Timespan class to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 143:

Value Class 144:

.(Timestamp to Value)

Converts an instance of the Timestamp class to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 145:

Value Class 146:

.(UInt16 to Value)

Converts an UInt16 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 147:

Value Class 148:

.(UInt32 to Value)

Converts an UInt32 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 149:

Value Class 150:

.(UInt64 to Value)

Converts a UInt64 to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 151:

Value Class 152:

.(Value to Boolean)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Boolean value.

Value Class 153:

Value Class 154:

.(Value to Byte)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Byte.

Value Class 155:

Value Class 156:

.(Value to Char)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Char.

Value Class 157:

Value Class 158:

.(Value to Double)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Double-precision floating-point number.

Value Class 159:

Value Class 160:

.(Value to Int16)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Int16.

Value Class 161:

Value Class 162:

.(Value to Int32)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Int32.

Value Class 163:

Value Class 164:

.(Value to Int64)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Int64.

Value Class 165:

Value Class 166:

.(Value to SByte)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate SByte.

Value Class 167:

Value Class 168:

.(Value to Single)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Single-precision floating-point number.

Value Class 169:

Value Class 170:

.(Value to String)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate String.

Value Class 171:

Value Class 172:

.(Value to UInt16)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate UInt16.

Value Class 173:

Value Class 174:

.(Value to UInt32)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate UInt32.

Value Class 175:

Value Class 176:

.(Value to UInt64)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate UInt64.

Value Class 177:

Value Class 178:

.(Value to Access)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Access.

Value Class 179:

Value Class 180:

.(Value to Alarm)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Alarm.

Value Class 181:

Value Class 182:

.(Value to Binary)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate instance of the Binary class.

Value Class 183:

Value Class 184:

.(Value to Event)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Event.

Value Class 185:

Value Class 186:

.(Value to Message)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Message.

Value Class 187:

Value Class 188:

.(Value to Severity)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate Severity.

Value Class 189:

Value Class 190:

.(Value to Timespan)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate instance of the Timespan class.

Value Class 191:

Value Class 192:

.(Value to Timestamp)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate instance of the Timestamp class.

Value Class 193:

Value Class 194:

.(Value to ValueType)

Converts an instance of the Value class to the appropriate ValueType.

Value Class 195:

Value Class 196:

.(ValueType to Value)

Converts an ValueType to the appropriate instance of the Value class.

Value Class 197:

Value Class 198:


Determines whether the specified Value is not equal to the current Value.


TcHmiSrv Namespace