TcHmiSerializer.EditObject.T. Method (T., String, Value, Boolean, Boolean, ICollection.String., Boolean, UInt32, Boolean)

Edits the reference at the specified path with the given Value using the specified BindingFlags without the ignored elements up to the specified serialization depth.

Namespace:  TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols
Assembly:  TcHmiSrvExtNet.DynamicSymbols (in TcHmiSrvExtNet.DynamicSymbols.dll) Version: 1.10.683.0 (1.10.683.0)



public static void EditObject<T>(
    ref T obj,
    string path,
    Value value,
    bool skipAbstractOrInterface = false,
    bool allowChangeType = false,
    ICollection<string> ignoreElements = null,
    bool ignoreNull = false,
    uint maxDepth = 4294967295,
    bool throwException = true



Type: T.
A reference to the Object that should be edited.


Type: System.String
The path from Path that specifies the sub-object.


Type: TcHmiSrv.Value
The Value that should be written to the Object at the specified path.

skipAbstractOrInterface (Optional)

Type: System.Boolean
true to skip abstract classes and interfaces; false to throw an exception.

allowChangeType (Optional)

Type: System.Boolean
true to allow conversions between different built-in data types (e.g. int to double, bool to string or vice versa) by using ChangeType(Object, Type); false to allow only conversions between related built-in data types (e.g. short to int or float to double).

ignoreElements (Optional)

Type: System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.String.
A collection of elements that should be ignored.

ignoreNull (Optional)

Type: System.Boolean
true to ignore null values and return null; false to throw an exception.

maxDepth (Optional)

Type: System.UInt32
The maximum serialization depth.

throwException (Optional)

Type: System.Boolean
true to throw an exception after the maximum serialization depth has been reached; false to return null.

Type Parameters


The type of the object that will be edited.


TcHmiSerializer Class

EditObject Overload

TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols Namespace