TcHmiSchemaGenerator.GetSchema Method (Command, Type, Type, Boolean, IncludeMembers, BindingFlags, ICollection.String., UInt32)

Gets the schemas of the instances of type Type and stores them in the read value of the specified Command.

Namespace:  TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols
Assembly:  TcHmiSrvExtNet.DynamicSymbols (in TcHmiSrvExtNet.DynamicSymbols.dll) Version:



public static void GetSchema(
    Command command,
    Type readValue = null,
    Type writeValue = null,
    bool isFunction = false,
    IncludeMembers members = IncludeMembers.Fields|IncludeMembers.Properties,
    BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Default,
    ICollection<string> ignoreElements = null,
    uint maxDepth = 4294967295



Type: TcHmiSrv.Command
The Command that contains the GetSchema request.

readValue (Optional)

Type: System.Type
The read value for which a schema is to be added.

writeValue (Optional)

Type: System.Type
The write value for which a schema is to be added.

isFunction (Optional)

Type: System.Boolean
true to define this symbol as a function; false to not define this symbol as a function.

members (Optional)

Type: TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols.IncludeMembers
A bitmask comprised of one or more IncludeMembers that specify which members should be included.

bindingAttr (Optional)

Type: System.Reflection.BindingFlags
A bitmask comprised of one or more 'BindingFlags' that specify how the search is conducted.

ignoreElements (Optional)

Type: System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.String.
A collection of elements that should be ignored. To ignore elements in the write value use the prefix 'writeValue'.

maxDepth (Optional)

Type: System.UInt32
The maximum schema depth.


TcHmiSchemaGenerator Class

GetSchema Overload

TcHmiSrv.DynamicSymbols Namespace