[ Class ]
Implementation of the Linear Gauge control.
Attribute functions
Name |
Origin |
Description |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ProgressBackgroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ProgressBackgroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ProgressForegroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ProgressForegroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the TickColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the TickColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the KnobColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the KnobColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the KnobArrowsColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the KnobArrowsColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueColor attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the attribute SetPointMarkerColor. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the attribute SetPointMarkerColor. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundColor attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BorderColor attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BorderColor attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BorderRadius attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BorderRadius attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BorderStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BorderStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BorderWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BorderWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Left attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Left attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the LeftUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the LeftUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Top attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Top attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the TopUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the TopUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Right attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Right attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the RightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Bottom attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Bottom attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BottomUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BottomUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Width attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Width attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the WidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the WidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Height attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Height attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the HeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the HeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MaxWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MaxWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MaxWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MaxWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MinWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MinWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MinWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MinWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MaxHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MaxHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MaxHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MaxHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MinHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MinHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the MinHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the MinHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedLeft attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedTop attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedBottom attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedRight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the RenderedHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Opacity attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Opacity attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Visibility attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Visibility attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Transform attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Transform attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the GridColumnIndex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the GridColumnIndex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the GridRowIndex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the GridRowIndex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Zindex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Zindex attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the WidthMode attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the WidthMode attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the HeightMode attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the HeightMode attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Value attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Value attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the attribute SetPoint. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the attribute SetPoint. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ValueFormat attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ValueFormat attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Unit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Unit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the UnitOrientation attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the UnitOrientation attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the BaseAnimationTime attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the BaseAnimationTime attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the attribute ValueSpace. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the attribute ValueSpace. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the attribute ValueSpaceUnit. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the attribute ValueSpaceUnit. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Editable attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Editable attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Step attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Step attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Range attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Range attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Padding attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Padding attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ClickAnywhereToEdit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ClickAnywhereToEdit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the StartFromZero attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the StartFromZero attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ShowTicks attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ShowTicks attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the TickDefinition attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the TickDefinition attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the Orientation attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the Orientation attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ShowLabels attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ShowLabels attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFontFamily attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFontSize attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFontSizeUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFontStyle attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFontWeight attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelFormat attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelFormat attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelPosition attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelPosition attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the LabelRange attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the LabelRange attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the MaxValue attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the MaxValue attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the MinValue attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the MinValue attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Getter for the ShowValueText attribute. | |
TcHmiLinearGauge | Setter for the ShowValueText attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the id attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the type attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the IsEnabled attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the IsEnabled attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the ClassNames attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the ClassNames attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the IsAttached attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the Tooltip attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the Tooltip attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the AccessConfig attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the AccessConfig attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImage attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImage attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageHeight attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageHeightUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageWidth attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageWidthUnit attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImagePadding attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImagePadding attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BackgroundImageVerticalAlignment attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BackgroundImageVerticalAlignment attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Getter for the BoxShadow attribute. | |
TcHmiControl | Setter for the BoxShadow attribute. |
Name |
Origin |
Description |
TcHmiControl | Returns the root HTML element of the control. | |
TcHmiControl | Pre-initialization | |
TcHmiControl | Initialization | |
TcHmiControl | Code after insertion in the DOM | |
TcHmiControl | Code after removal from the DOM | |
TcHmiControl | Clean-up after deleting the control. | |
TcHmiControl | Query whether control was deleted. | |
TcHmiControl | Query of the default value of a property. |
Inheritance hierarchy
Linear Gauge
See also
Reference of this control
![]() | Available from 1.8 |
- getProgressBackgroundColor
- setProgressBackgroundColor
- getProgressForegroundColor
- setProgressForegroundColor
- getKnobArrowsColor
- setKnobArrowsColor
- getTickColor
- setTickColor
- getValueColor
- setValueColor
- getKnobColor
- setKnobColor
- getLabelColor
- setLabelColor
- getUnitColor
- setUnitColor
- getOrientation
- setOrientation
- getPadding
- setPadding
- getValue
- setValue
- getEditable
- setEditable
- getMaxValue
- setMaxValue
- getMinValue
- setMinValue
- getStep
- setStep
- getShowValueText
- setShowValueText
- getRange
- setRange
- getStartFromZero
- setStartFromZero
- getValueFontWeight
- setValueFontWeight
- getValueFormat
- setValueFormat
- getValueFontSizeUnit
- setValueFontSizeUnit
- getValueFontSize
- setValueFontSize
- getValueFontFamily
- setValueFontFamily
- getClickAnywhereToEdit
- setClickAnywhereToEdit
- getValueFontStyle
- setValueFontStyle
- getShowLabels
- setShowLabels
- getLabelRange
- setLabelRange
- getLabelPosition
- setLabelPosition
- getLabelFontWeight
- setLabelFontWeight
- getLabelFontFamily
- setLabelFontFamily
- getLabelFontSize
- setLabelFontSize
- getLabelFontSizeUnit
- setLabelFontSizeUnit
- getLabelFontStyle
- setLabelFontStyle
- getLabelFormat
- setLabelFormat
- getShowTicks
- setShowTicks
- getTickDefinition
- setTickDefinition
- getUnit
- setUnit
- getUnitOrientation
- setUnitOrientation
- getUnitFontSize
- setUnitFontSize
- getUnitFontStyle
- setUnitFontStyle
- getUnitFontWeight
- setUnitFontWeight
- getUnitFontFamily
- setUnitFontFamily
- getUnitFontSizeUnit
- setUnitFontSizeUnit
- getBaseAnimationTime
- setBaseAnimationTime
- TickDefinition
- Range
- setSetPoint
- getSetPoint
- setValueSpace
- getValueSpace
- setValueSpaceUnit
- getValueSpaceUnit
- setSetPointMarkerColor
- getSetPointMarkerColor