Project properties
Following the selection of the HMI project node the properties of the HMI project are displayed in the Properties window.
![Project properties 1:](Images/png/6790847627__Web.png)
- Creation: Date and time when the setup of the TwinCAT HMI was created.
- Product Version: Version no. of the TwinCAT HMI.
- Device IP: Local IP address.
- TcHmiSrv's Port: Port number of the server on which a client can reach the server via HTTP(S).
- WebSocket Router's Port: WebSocket port number required for the WebSocket connection between an HMI client and the server instance.
- Default Viewport Height: Default value for the height of a Viewport when a new HMI page is added. Various resolutions of the HMI can be simulated via the Viewport.
- Default Viewport Width: Default value for the width of a Viewport when a new HMI page is added. Various resolutions of the HMI can be simulated via the Viewport.
- Interval: Global update rate [ms] for refreshing the HMI server symbols.
- Subscription Mode: Update mode between server and client.
- Change: The client is only informed of changes to the symbol values.
- Poll: The client receives the symbol value cyclically, even if no change has taken place.
- Theme Name: Name of the active theme (in engineering and of the initially active theme in the client).
- Timeout: WebSocket timeout for communication between server and client.
- Title: Title of the HMI, which is displayed in the browser (tab).
- Verbose Level:
- 0 = no messages
- 1 = error messages only
- 2 = error messages and warnings
- 3 = error messages, warnings and infos
- 4 = error messages, warnings, infos and debug messages
- Version: Version number of this project.
- Company Name: Optional name of the company providing or using the HMI.
- Company's Website: URL of the company providing or using the HMI.
- Login Page: Login page of the HMI, which is displayed when authentication is active.
- Scale Mode: Scaling mode of the HMI. This setting only applies if the Viewport is configured with absolute values (pixel specifications).
- ScaleToFit: The width or height of the HMI is scaled to the current size of the browser window without a scrollbar appearing.
- ScaleToWidth: The height is scaled accordingly to the width (while maintaining the aspect ratio with scrollbar).
- ScaleToHeight: The width is scaled accordingly to the height (while maintaining the aspect ratio with scrollbar).
- ScaleToFill: The height and width are stretched to the maximum width and height of the browser window (the aspect ratio is not maintained).
- Startup View: The start page (View) of the HMI, which is loaded when opening the HMI in the browser.
- Framework Binaries: Local directory from which the components of the framework are provided.
- Server Binaries: Local directory from which the components of the server are provided.
- LOG_DESIGNER_MODE_COM_MESSAGES: Defines whether the communication between Visual Studio and the Designer is to be displayed.
- LOG_TCHMISERVER_MESSAGES: Defines whether the communication of the TcHmi server is to be displayed.
- Project File: The name of the project file.
- Project Folder: Absolute storage location of the project.
- Default Language: Default language that is loaded for the HMI project. This setting can be overwritten by the settings per user or switched in the client.
- Time Format Locale: Time format of the currently set time zone that is loaded for the HMI project. This setting can be overwritten by the setting per user.
- Time Zone: Time zone that is loaded for the HMI project. This setting can be overwritten by the setting per user.
- Viewport (meta attribute): Meta attributes that define the scaling behavior and adaptability of the HMI.