Control level

The control level represents the client-side permissions system. A control has defined access methods that can be permitted or not permitted for the different user groups. Each control has at least the default access methods "Observe" and "Operate".

"Observe" describes the general observability of the control and thus its visibility to the user. If this access method is not permitted for the user group of the logged-in user, the control is not visible. This also applies to all child controls of the control, if there are any.

"Operate" represents the general operability of the control. If this access method is not permitted for the user group of the logged-in user, then the control is displayed as deactivated and no control events that could be initiated by the user (operator events) are initiated.

The access methods are configured in the Properties window (Configuring control access).

The access methods of a user control can be extended via special access methods, so-called virtual permissions (Defining and using virtual permissions of a user control).